Thursday, April 8, 2010

Miners’ Deaths and Children’s Blood on George Bush’s Hands

That’s right. Everyday there is new blood on George Bush’s hands and those of the filthy, greedy Republicans (who worry so much about the unborn and care so little about the living). And let’s not forget about CORPORATE AMERICA, which cares ONLY about profits. The harm done to Americans (and others if we are talking about U.S. Weapons, Inc.) is worth getting those BIG PROFITS. You know the story:

“AT least 25 miners have died after a huge explosion in the worst US mining disaster for 25 years.”

Read it for yourself:

Why did this happen? Because that FUCKING BUSH, his REPUBLICAN CRONIES, and BIG BUSINESS, love profit more than they do the American people. That’s why they lost the presidential election to a Negro (figure of speech). Most of America did not like Obama*, but he won anyway because America had come to FUCKING HATE the Republicans. And that’s the thing about the Republicans. All they care about is not letting queers marry, protecting the unborn up until they are born, and profits. That’s fucking it. They love WAR, PROFITS, ISRAEL, PROFITS, and more PROFITS.

Oh yeah, they love freedom—freedom to invade nations that haven’t done a fucking thing to America, freedom for Wall Street to fuck over America, freedom to poison the water, air, soil, etc. Freedom to hire illegal immigrants whose social services will be paid for by the American taxpayer. Freedom, freedom, freedom. Fuck those people who suffer as a result of other people’s freedom. Tiger Woods kind of freedom—fuck ‘em and dump ‘em and let the Devil take the hindmost, i.e., the wife and children.

It's called laissez faire freedom: "An economic doctrine that opposes governmental regulation of or interference in commerce beyond the minimum necessary for a free-enterprise system to operate according to its own economic laws." Thus maximizing profits for the Greedy at the expense of anybody who get in their way. Have you been paying attention, America, to the economic meltdown. WHY IN THE FUCK DO YOU THINK THAT HAPPENED! Idiots! And the laissez faire freedom of USA, Inc. isn't just turning America into a wasteland:

And apparently America is still killing Indians--Ecuadorean Indians--in a area now called Amazon Chernobyl. Sometimes having a conscience makes it really hard to be an American.

So Bush made things a little freer for mining companies:

And what about the children? How many children have the Bush wars killed? Thousands. The news out today is “EPA restricts pesticide implicated in death of two Layton sisters.”

Of course that is the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY under Obama, not under Bush. Under Bush it was the ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION AGENCY. Here is what a former head of the EPA has to say about TRASH THE ENVIRONMENT W. BUSH:

Need a little more info about how George skull and crossbones Bush appointed corporate friendly types to the EPA:
"It feels like Stalin-era Russia, like the administration set themselves up to decide what's allowable science and what isn't," says a high-ranking staff scientist at the EPA, who spoke on condition of anonymity. "Until the recent economic crash, this has been such an anti-regulatory administration. One of the ways to undermine regulations is to undermine the science behind them. It's absolutely shocking what's going on."
Get the full story:

George MY HANDS ARE BLOODY Bush is in part responsible for the deaths of those miners and those little girls. The other part is his filthy Republican friends and U.S., Inc.

I fucking hate all of you—you filthy scum. I wish you would die in a mining accident or from one of the many poisons that should be prohibited. Fuck You.

America, you should be ashamed of yourself for allowing such traitorous scum to control the country.

*Okay, Okay, Okay! Obama is not the peace loving (biofuels for fighter jets!)... You think I'm joking. Take a look all you dreamy eyed kids who thought Obama was goin da be ya savyour and turn the world into a flower power fairyland ;-))) hahaha!

More disappointment for the flower children. He's not as green, i.e., environment loving, as his tears for joy supporters were stupid enough to believe:
"We are seriously disheartened by this appointment,” said Katherine Ozer, executive director of the National Family Farm Coalition, which represents family farmers. “While we have been encouraged by the first lady and USDA’s promotion of sustainable agriculture and local food, Siddiqui’s role will undermine those goals both here and abroad by promoting our current broken, chemical-intensive, industrial-agriculture model.”

Yeah the environmentalists are all pissed off at Obama for naming Islam A. Siddiqui as Chief Agricultural Negotiator in the Office of the US Trade Representative. I'm pissed off because he named ANOTHER FUCKING ALIEN to a governmental post, a Muslim at that. It's bad enough have so many fucking American born-agains fanatics in the country (who help further flush America down the oblivion toilet with the election of IDIOT BOY JEESUS LOVES ME BUSH). America is not only rapidly becoming an ALIEN WASTELAND but is also losing the BATTLE AGAINST STUPIDITY. Take a look:,0,1847875.htmlstory

And crudity:

I rented a Nicolas Cage, Bad Lieutenant, one of those movies that shows the moral cesspool America is increasingly becoming...

and one of the previews is about a website called SG SuicideGirls, basically a celebration of tattooed sluts. Check out the movie, though you might want to send the kids to bed so they won't have nightmares of a Zombieland America overrun by batty-boys and tatti-sluts.