Monday, February 23, 2009

In California Jews, Hispanics and an Alien Governor Join Forces Against Americans


Did you see the photograph of California’s Jewish Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg shaking hands with Sen. Abel Maldonado, eldest son of immigrant farm workers” in the February 20 edition of the San Diego Union-Tribune? They were both smiling because they just got the California’s Anti-American budget signed. The illegals and their children will continue to receive all the benefits they have been receiving at the expense of American taxpayers, who will suffer an additional increase in their state income tax, thus their take-home pay will decrease just when they need it most.

California is a good example of the direction the country is heading. The state is run by an alien governor and a legislature controlled by Jews and aliens. Check out if you want to see the new face of the new minority-majority alien dominated America, and yes Darrell Steinberg at the party.

In March of last year, Steinberg co-authored legislation to give every California-born baby -- including the children of illegal immigrants -- a $500 state-controlled savings account. Steinberg told The Bee at the time that "all the hysteria is about one issue and one issue only -- immigration."

"It is all about xenophobia and there is a lot of hatred out there and WE need to stand up against it," he said. In other words, "WE" refers to those who are traitors to this country for aiding and abetting the illegals who invade this country, then have their offspring, then become wards of America and then together milk the American taxpayer into bankruptcy and destroy American society and culture and replace it with gang-ridden barrios.


The Hispanic Suicide Pill
Need an example? Let's take a look at some that have shown up in the new in the last couple of days. Let’s begin with a Hispanic aliens? There are so many to choose from. Just in today: “A Montgomery County man and a Miami man are charged in a federal indictment with running a nationwide prostitution ring that hired immigrant women.”

Who are these alien scumbags? Michael Porru and Rafael Bernabe-Caballero. “The indictment says that the women were later ordered to have their first meetings with clients in Tysons Corner, Va., and told they were expected to perform sexual acts. The women were sent around the country to work.”

“The indictment also says Bernabe-Caballero threatened to kill the women or have them handed over to Immigration officials if they refused to work.” (Google: “Miami Man Accused In Nationwide Prostitution Ring”)

How about another example from Hispanic alien stockpile, like Chandra Levy’s killer who also ruined the life of former congressman Gary Condit? Who is this mystery man? Well, well, surprise, surprise, another alien:

Ingmar Guandique, an illegal immigrant, day-laborer from El Salvador, who is presently in a California federal prison for attacking women in Rock Creek Park. Even his former landlady is an alien: Sheila Phillips Cruz. And Ingmar’s brother is living in this country. We are told that as soon as Ingmar arrived illegally in the U.S. he quickly ran into legal problems (SUPRISE, SURPRISE!) and it "appears to have used Rock Creek Park as a hunting ground.” Hell that is how aliens use the entire country!

You know who killed Chandra Levy? THE UNITED STATE F***ING GOVERNMENT, that’s who. All those f***ing politicians who are soft on aliens. That’s who.

The Laughing Mexican Always Gets the Last Laugh

The Laughing Mexican, Ruben Navarrette, Jr., said in the San Diego Union-Tribune, “Mexicans and Americans have more in common than either cares to admit.” Of course that is bullshit. In the article he wants to blame Americans for the drug trade because they are the ones who use the drugs (like the Hispanic gangbangers are drug free). What the Laughing Mexican ignores is the fact that using drugs and killing people are not morally equivalent. Of course, Señor Propaganda argues that the gringo drug user is really the one who pulls the trigger. He doesn’t actually believe this but it’s his job to promote the Alien Invasion by arguing that Mexicans and Americans are basically the same. If that were true, however, Mexicans would not be fleeing a country destroyed by their own people.

But we are not the same and will never be the same. For example, “Gunman attacked a convoy carrying the governor of a violence-wracked border state [of Mexico], killing one of his bodyguards and wounding two other agents.”

And in the same article, “rich, heavily armed gangs battling for turf on the doorstep of the U.S. narcotics market have increasingly challenged the government on all levels, even ambushing troops sent to battle the cartels.” Hey, these rich, heavily armed gangs, also exist IN America, such as the MEXICAN MAFIA.

Finally, “The convoy attack came two days after the police chief of Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua's biggest city, bowed to crime gang demands to resign because they threatened to kill at least one of his officers every 48 hours.”

In other words, Mexicans have a lot in common the criminal types that run Afghanistan but nothing in common with the American way of life. Illegals don’t come to America because America is like Mexico. They come here because America is civilized and Mexico is uncivilized. However, it won’t be long before America has been made uncivilized by the Mexicans keep arriving here illegally each day, like through the “smuggling tunnel” just found at Otay Mesa, California. That’s another big difference. You don’t see Americans migrating into Mexico, for the same reason they don’t migrate to Afghanistan. Still, the Laughing Mexican gets the last laugh because his people are winning their war against America.

The Muslim Suicide Pill
And what about them Muslim aliens? Just in yesterday: “The crime was so brutal, shocking and rife with the worst possible stereotypes about their faith that some U.S. Muslims thought the initial reports were a hoax.” It wasn’t and one stereotype about the Muslims that right on is that they are as alien and destructive to American culture as termites are to wooden houses. In other words, the American house is being eaten away with the help of Jewish multiculturalists, alien invaders, and worst of all double-crossing American politicians and businessmen.

Mr. Muslim Muzzammil [that can’t be a real name, what a waste of letters] Hassan decapitated his wife. “The beheaded body of Aasiya Hassan, 37, was found last week at the offices of Bridges TV, to promote understanding between cultures.” (See "Domestic Violence In Muslim America."). It was rumored that Mr. Muzzammil was using his wife's head as a soccer ball before calling the police. I believe for a while American soldiers often saw Iraqi children playing head-soccer, as it is called, in the streets of Baghdad.

Don’t these people get it? We Americans do not want any f***ing understanding with the invaders of our homeland. Forget that! We don’t want to have to deal with their f***ing problems. We have enough of our own. If they want to cut off each other’s heads, fine. Just do in Muslimland. In other words, GO HOME!

The African Suicide Pill
And what about the Somali aliens in this country? We've just been told, “Monday that a Somali-American man who was one of several suicide bombers in a terrorist attack last October in Somalia had apparently been indoctrinated into his extremist beliefs while living in the United States.”

First let’s get one thing straight. There is no such thing as a “Somali-American,” period. There are Somalis living in America. There are Somalis who have U.S. citizenship because of our traitorous government gave it to them. But there is no such thing as a “Somali-American.”

“The man, Shirwa Ahmed, was the first known suicide bomber with American citizenship.” Surprise, surprise that it would be an alien living in this country who would be the first to give America that particular claim to fame.

“He immigrated with his family to the Minneapolis area in the mid-1990s. ... It appears that this individual was radicalized in his hometown in Minnesota.” Again, Minneapolis isn’t his hometown. Some shithole in Somali is. This is the lesson the British haven't learned yet. You import alien scum into your country, give them all the opportunities (more really because of their minority status) that they haven't earned or deserve and they still hate their stupid-ass host nation. It's a little like taking in rabid pit bulls as pets and then being surprised when the children are attacked.

And you can’t but notice that this alien scumbag was indoctrinated into his extremist beliefs here in America? By whom? By other alien fanatics that our chickenshit, traitorous U.S. government has allowed to invade this country. Another lesson the dumb-ass British haven't learned yet and I understand it's like the kettle calling the pot black: Apparently all Western nations are dumb-asses.

The Asian Suicide Pill
And what about the Asian aliens? Like the Asian man who attacked and raped a student on the campus of the University of California, San Diego, campus? “She told officers she was pushed to the ground and sexually assaulted by a man described as Asian and about 5 feet 9 inches to 6 feet 1 inch tall.” (Google “Woman reports rape on UC San Diego campus.”)

National Death by Alienasia
So there you go. America’s alien-loving government, infiltrated by multiculturalist Jews, aliens or their offspring, and unAmerican American politicians continue to allow the dregs of humanity to invade Americans’ homeland, infect it with their uncivilized ways, and introduce rot into the American way of life and American culture. In other words, these people are killing America by alienasia.

I suppose the politicians believe that one day we will all unite to become one big, happy multicultural family. There is no more chance of that than there is of the humans in the video game Dead Space uniting with the aliens called Necromorphs that have taken over the spaceship Ishimura. Uniting with them means being destroyed by them. And that is what is happening to America: it’s being taken over and destroyed by aliens with the help of the fanatics alien lovers running the country, who are very much like traitorous, evil religious fanatic Dr. Challus Mercer of the video game, who believes the human crew should commit suicide so the aliens can take over.

The religious fanatic Dr. Challus Mercer brings to mind Feb. 22 article in the San Diego Union-Tribune titled “Meeting Place Sealed Off.” The issue was that “For the first time, Border Patrol agents formally sealed off access on the U.S. side to the plaza, for years a popular meeting place on the U.S.-Mexico border for families to visit through the fence.” In other words, it was a meeting place where Hispanic aliens on the American side of the border could meet with their Mexican friends and relatives, probably to discuss how they can sneak into the country, like through the tunnel mentioned above.

One of the people there was John Fanestil, an illegal alien lover, like so many priests who turn their churches into sanctuaries for law-breaking illegals. Fanestil is a similar religious fanatic (the root of the word means temple, thus true believer) who believes in a law and reality higher than American law and America. At we are told that Fanestil has a “lifelong passion for building bridges between people across the border between Mexico and the United States.” Well, he doesn’t have to build bridges since the illegals come hear by air, land, and sea. And I am sure he is loved by the poor persecuted aliens living in the U.S. illegally. But to most Americans he is a COLLABORATOR, just as all the American politicians, businessmen, and members of organizations that promote alien rights are COLLABORATORS.

Collaborators like President Obama, who once again has stabbed America in the back with an alien knife by nominating as Labor Secretary alien activist Hilda Solis, who was raised in La Puente, California by immigrant parents from Nicaragua and Mexico. In the California State Assembly, Solis was prominent in the U.S. illegal immigration debate, backing a bill to allow illegal immigrants to attend California colleges. “Barack Obama aggressively sought her support, as part of strengthening to his appeal to Hispanic voters” (Wikipedia, Solis). Her husband is dirty with tax issues, but of course she wasn’t aware of any of that. Just goes to show you America becomes more like Mexico each day. By the way, it couldn’t have happened without a lot of help from collaborators in the U.S. Senate.

Oh yeah, those Republicans are collaborators too—who after Obama’s address twisted the alien knife stuck in the American back by Obama and his pro-alien thugs. You must know by now that the Benedict Arnold Republicans had Louisiana Gov. Bobby Slumdog Jindal give the response to Obama’s address to Congress, talking as if he was just another good ole American boy, but he’s not. He’s an alien carpetbagger, but worst than him are the Republicans, who used the slumdog to appeal to the aliens who have apparently taken over the country. If the Republicans were ever the backbone of this country, it’s turned to dust.

During his speech Obama said, “We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before.” America may emerge stronger but it will be America no longer.

Like the Jews and their Holocaust, Americans will never forget this betrayal and will never love the enemy who have invaded their homeland and have brought ruin upon it. Never! Never! Never!