Saturday, February 13, 2010

Those Post-Super Bowl Blues

Yeah, I'm a little late posting this, but it's hard to stay afloat in toilet USA when the shit comes in faster than I can flush it with this blog.

PARADE MAGAZINE celebrated the arrival of the Super Bowl with a lot of junk food on the front cover. But the Super Bowl is one aspect of America’s BREAD and CIRCUS that keeps Americans from facing reality. I didn’t watch, though I was pleased to see an American quarterback win the game. Seeing Drew Brees with his son in the paper reminded me of the all American days of Johnny Unitas. Who would have known then that the end of his career was also the end of America’s career?


In that same PARADE MAGAZINE was an article on STOPPING DRUGS AT SEA. That is the present reality that America faces. “Each year, an estimated 1.2 million pounds of cocaine enter our country, the bulk of it by boat over the Pacific to Mexico and then by land across the border.” The U.S. Coast Guard is our line of defense, which should indicate that we are at war with the nations south of the border, especially that cultural nightmare Mexico. The intent of the article is to brag on the Coast Guard, which is fine, but PARADE MAGAZINE doesn’t want to spoil anyone’s Sunday, so it leaves out the gory details, which is American has been and continues to be flooded with cocaine, drug cartels and Hispanic gangs:

“United States law enforcement officials have identified 230 cities, including Anchorage, Atlanta, Boston and Billings, Mont., where Mexican cartels and their affiliates “maintain drug distribution networks or supply drugs to distributors,” as a Justice Department report put it in December. The figure rose from 100 cities reported three years earlier, though Justice Department officials said that may be because of better data collection methods as well as the spread of the organizations.”

The truth of the matter is that the Coast Guard can’t save us because the U.S. Government doesn’t want to offend any of our Spanish speaking neighbors because their relatives here have become a huge voting block in this country and because the current president is one of them, not one of us.


The Iraq War has been a phony and immoral war from the start. And the soldiers who participated in it have accessories to George Bush’s crime against humanity. They can tell themselves that they are fighting for America, but that is just bullshit, just as the Vietnam War was fought to protect Americans is bullshit. It was fought on the behalf of the MILITARY-INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX, Inc.

The U.S. Terminator War in Afghanistan is no better. For the first couple of years it made some sense, but not Afghanistan is nothing more than a testing area for U.S. weapons systems. Using DRONES against those people is OBSCENE and COWARDLY.


And that reminds me: Sen. Jack Murtha passed away. I say good riddance. I hope he rots in hell with Ted Kennedy and all the other dirty politicians. He later criticized the Iraq War but was all for it in the beginning. He never gave a shit about the Iraqi people. And he loved war, and never served in a good one. Also he was just another dirty politician (none are clean as far as I’m concerned) as the Abscam investigation revealed. And of course he was all about PORK BARREL POLITICAS, willing to FUCK AMERICA to be popular in his own state. WKIPEDIA tells us, “In September 2006 the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) listed Murtha under Five Members to Watch in its Second Annual Most Corrupt Members of Congress Report.”

You’ll be remembered Murtha—along with all the other dirty, warmongering politicians who have made America just a little smaller in everyone’s eyes.


So what America has to look forward to is more of this:

You allowed it to happen you STUPID FUCKING CHICKENSHIT GRINGOS! Ha ha ha ha ha :--)))) . You want more? Eat this shit:


And who's fighting whitey’s fight against the Hispanic invasion?

That’s right, American blacks. You may not like them (sometimes I don’t) but they are the only ones who are taking the fight to the enemy. What about the cops? What about? They are not allowed to take the fight to the enemy. They arrive at crime scenes, fill out the paper work, sometime arrest somebody, and go back to giving tickets. As far as fight Hispanic crime in this country American cop are no more effective than the Mexican cops in Mexico. Why? Because the cops work for the government and the government is made up of aliens and alien loves. You got no chance America. Nor do the black warriors because they are just way out numbered, new recruits pour in from SOUTH OF THE BORDER each day.


And you nigger hating honkies in the South, have the students in your school are non-white because of the aliens. Don’t be blaming the black man—you stupid fucks. You stupid fucking honkies are the one who do the SOUTH-HATING GOVERNMENT’S dirty work. If the Civil War was going on today, Southern recruits would be signing up to fight on the behalf of the Union. It won’t belong before you are wish the South was just BLACK and WHITE.


L.A. Times, Fed. 13, 2010
“Los Angeles City Hall budget fight escalates”

“Villaraigosa aides said the mayor did not bring up the larger number because he was discussing the city's current shortfall, not the $484-million gap expected in the fiscal year starting July 1.”

The city is going (IS) broke, but the fat cats on the public payroll still want more:

Daily News, L.A.

“City falls deeper in debt - by about $175 million”

“The city of Los Angeles' already dire budget crisis took a turn for the worse Friday, as Councilman Bernard Parks revealed its revenue shortfall hit a staggering $175 million halfway through the fiscal year.” Now I heard that L.A. is approaching a billion dollars. And so what are the members of the city council doing? Getting more money for themselves.

From the L.A. Times:

“Just last week, four council members asked for transfers into their office's salary accounts: Richard Alarcon ($389,000), Tony Cardenas ($278,000), Janice Hahn ($100,000) and Bernard C. Parks ($95,000). Their motions said the funds were needed to assist on transit-related projects. These have yet to come up for debate.”

Take a look at those names:

Alarcon: I don’t know if he is an anchor baby or the baby of an anchor baby, but I do know he’s not one of us:

Cardenas: Another Hispanic, what can I say.

And did you see how many AMERICAN dollars these Latino are making (getting)? How did it happen that the people who should be earning pesos south of the border are now living off AMERICAN TAXPAYERS? Alien-loving politicians is one of the answers.

Hahn: Let’s look at what Hahn has to say:
“In further bad news for the GOP, Latinos also are the fastest-growing segment of the electorate, with Asian Americans the second-fastest growing. Whites have been declining in terms of the composition of the turnout for years. In 1994, with Wilson seeking a second term and Prop. 187 on the ballot, whites constituted 82 percent of the voters, Latinos only 8 percent. In the 2008 general election, Caucasians were just 63 percent, while Latinos were 18 percent – an historic high.

The dirty little secret is, Latino voters, by any analysis historical or statistical, are just not available for Republican candidates in California at this time, whether Hispanic-surnamed or not. So, sorry, Abel, and nice try, Arnold.”

That’s right. The gringo is history and being a true politician Hahn knows what side her burrito is buttered on. By the way, the reference to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is to his selection of Sen. Abel Maldonado for California Lt. Governor—another Hispanic, so why should Americans give a shit whether it’s Latino lover and American traitor Hahn or the real burrito Maldonado, and alien elected by an alien? Maldonado is the eldest son of immigrant Mexican-American farm workers. He’s of course a paper-legal U.S. citizen, but no American, not in my book.

Parks: Probably the only American on the job, but he can’t save L.A. for Americans black or white. The city has become a dead end for Americans, a deadly one for blacks. Take a look at what they have to face:

And American military are killing Taliban in Afghanistan. By the way, how many Americans have the Taliban killed (excluding the ones occupying their country)? How many American cities, communities, schools, and jobs have been taken over by the Taliban? None that I know of. Remember the 9-11 Attacks were al-Qaeda, all but one Saudis. Furthermore, the Twin Towers weren’t even American. They were built by two alien architects Minoru Yamasaki (Japanese) and Emery Roth and Sons, a Jewish outfit. Don’t you love it when the aliens move in and take over—the Jews and the Asians taking the jobs at the topic and the Hispanics taking not only jobs Americans don’t want but government jobs that now require Spanish as a first language and well-paying labor jobs in construction and elsewhere. They get hired not because Americans don’t want to jobs but because of affirmative action (originally designed for black Americans) and Hispanics work cheap and so are hired by traitorous gringo employers.

So blacks have no choice but to clear out:

“Black History Month in Los Angeles. Anybody Notice?”

by Ronald Ricker

“There is a large exodus of African Americans from Los Angeles, many of whom are moving to southern states such as Alabama and Mississippi, the very states that wrecked the most havoc on them in the past.”

Ricker reviews all the mistreatment blacks have received from whites, yeah, yeah, yeah we know all that. But he also says nobody in L.A. gives a shit about black people. Have you looked at who the mayor of L.A. is? Mayor Antonio Burrito Villaraigosa. The city doesn’t belong to Americans anymore—black or white. It’s a Mexico City North run by Mexicans, Jews, and other aliens. The fucking blacks are out gunned in L.A. With all the Mexican gangs, it’s no longer an Alamo action but Dunkirk action. And the whites are trying to get the hell out themselves.

The illegals and their anchor babies have been the kiss of death for Los Angeles. The old L.A. wasn’t so bad after all:

Oh yeah, there were the hearing on the Reds, but as it has turned out, they were right. The leftists, led by Marxist Jews have taken over the country. It wasn’t the Soviets who were the true enemy but the commies who were immigrating into the country. Take one of hundreds of examples, MAX SHACHTMAN:

“Max Shachtman (September 10, 1904 - November 4, 1972) was an American Marxist theorist. During his lifetime, he evolved from being a Leninist associate of Leon Trotsky to a Cold War social democrat and associate of AFL-CIO President George Meany.” (Wikipedia) A Jew from Poland. His influence? Here is what Wikipedia says:
•Marxism. A number of political organizations have emerged from the Trotskyist movement which have considered themselves to be Marxist. This broad tendency is described as "Left Shachtmanism" and arguably includes followers of Tony Cliff such as the International Socialist Tendency....

•American Social Democracy. After Shachtman's death in 1972, many American social democratic Shachtmanites rose to prominent positions in government and organized labor. Supporters of Social Democrats USA (SDUSA) in the labor movement included Albert Shanker (president of the United Federation of Teachers), as well as AFL-CIO presidents George Meany and Lane Kirkland.

•Neoconservatism. A few conservatives including Irving Kristol and Nathan Glazer were around the Shachtmanite milieu in the 1930s and 1940s. Jeane Kirkpatrick was a member of the Shachtmanite-dominated Young People's Socialist League as a university student. Joshua Muravchik, Penn Kemble, Carl Gershman, and Max Green, leaders in the Young People's Socialist League, became right-wing think tank insiders.
There you go. And these socialist Jews would ally themselves with illegal immigrants (their PROLITARIAN ARMIES) and embark on the overthrow of America by a DEMOGRAPHIC REVOLUTION made possible by America’s idiotic immigration policies, weakened even further by lefties such as the Kennedys and conservatives such as Reagan, Bush, and McCain. So the RED SCARE wasn’t just CRYING WOLF. The wolves were there and have now almost completed their agenda of transforming America into a MINORITIY DOMINATED NATION.


San Diego Union-Barrio-Tribune Headlines:

Feb. 8, 2010

“Gunman fires into crowd at party, wounding three”
Now the Barrio news rarely mention ethnicity because we don’t want people to think that the Hispanics are not a criminalized culture. But the GANG detectives are investigating. Take a look at the reality:

Check out the names on the injunction:

“Early-morning fight at motel end in gunfire”
“The shooter was described as a black man...” No more needs to be said, except, what in the fuck are our soldier doing in the Middle East? AMERICA HAS BEEN INVADED! THE ENEMY IS HERE IN THE FUCKING STREETS, NOT THERE!

“Woman is shot while walking in East Village”
“A woman in her 20s was shot in the stomach Saturday night in East Village, police said.” “Police did not give a description of the shooter...”

It wouldn’t make any difference if they did. I really believe there is a policy that the news media and the police have about not stigmatizing unless they are looking for someone and think the public can help. Of course, I believe ethnic identity should be reveal in every case. Why is it that whites and even blacks don’t mind their ethnicity being revealed but the Hispanics go crazy? Because most of them are here illegally or are the offspring of illegals.

“Blast kills 5, inures a dozen at unfinished power plant”
“The 620-megawatt plant, which was almost complete, is being built to produce energy primarily USING NATURAL GAS.” America just can’t seem to build anything anymore and those damn French are building 3rd generation nuclear power plants!

“Former Merrill CEO to lead CIT Group”
“NEW YORK (Fortune) -- Not so long ago, John Thain's legacy was that of the Merrill Lynch CEO who redecorated his office for $1.2 million before selling the dying investment firm to Bank of America in a controversial deal that is now under criminal investigation.”

This fucking corporate scumbag just can’t make enough money: “Thain’s pay at CIT will be lower than he has made in years... $500,000 base salary, along with $5.5 million worth of restricted sock.” I need to take a vomit break, be right back.

“Palin says presidential run a possibility”
If that’s not enough to make you sick and America a continuing laughingstock of the world, I don’t know what is. This mediocre beauty queen and communications graduate might be competent enough to organize a Tupperware party, but that’s about it. But it goes to show you how FUCKING STUPID the right-wing, especially those Tupperware Tea Party goers, really are. By the way, Palin was paid $100,000 for her convention speech. Smells like politics as usual to me. If you don’t know what I mean stick your head in the toilet after you have taken a dump. If you see the face of Jesus on one of your turds, then I expect you will be voting for Palin.

“Alaska dentist helps eagle with injured beak”
I have more respect for this guy than I have for all of the fucking politicians in DC. If Palin got her hand on the eagle I’m sure she would have bit off its head.

She says nobody in her family talks politics. It shows.

“Woman headed for victory in Costa Rica”
Why should we care? I mean there is less than 5 million people in the country. Oh, I forgot about those American loving Costa Rican immigrants. Here is what one of them has to say in regard to an article bragging on Costa Rica, but apparently not enough for him to go back home:
“i have to agree with everything that is said in this article.. i'vee been living in NY for most of my life i came when i was really young but i still try to keep my identity as a tica porque amo a nuestra cultura! unlike most kids who come to the US and loose their culture my mom always reminded me that i'm costa rican to be proud of and nerver forget where i came from”
Don’t you get it America? To these America will never be home until it is transformed into a barrio.

San Diego Union-Barrio-Tribune Headlines:

Feb. 1, 2010

I know this is the past, but the past is America’s future:

“Toxic waste from Tijuana subject of new probe”
“The waste trucked in from Tijuana... [is] deposited in a landfill just outside Kettleman City, an agricultural community...” overrun by illegals and anchor babies. “It is another low-income community, and in this case, Latino.”

Of course, because they are all over the fucking place. Tijuana/Kettleman City, what’s the fucking difference? It’s become Mexico. And of course the Mexicans come here and right away start bitching—but they don’t go back to the homeland south of the border because it is CULTURALLY POLLUTED with gangsters. And nobody fucking complains about the Hispanic cultural pollutions that is destroying America. FUCK THESE PEOPLE AND FUCK THE U.S. GOVERNMENT THAT PUTS OF WITH THIS SHIT!

“San Diego County census highlights”
“National City is the county’s most diverse city, with the highest percentage of Asians and Latinos.” DIVERSE—don’t you just love that fucking euphemism. What it means in realty is that National City is an American dead zone, like DISTRICT 9 in the move of the same name.

“Gunfight breaks out in holdup at liquor store”
“The man with the shotgun was described as Latino...” Nothing more needs to be said.