Saturday, May 21, 2011

Navy Honors Chávez, Betrays Americans and Other Idiocies

Did you see the Secretary of the Navy Ray Mabus with a shit-eating grin shooting the shit with Paul Chávez? The article says Chávez has done so much for the American worker. Bullshit. He did so much for the Mexican workers, most of whom were in the country illegally. Let’s cut the crap. Mabus was told by the half-alien president to put Chávez’s name on the ship. An election is coming up and he knows the Hispanics can win it for him. The Republicans know the same thing. Both parties are kissing Hispanic ass while they fuck over Americans. That’s why Hispanics are taking over the country.

However, I don’t think Obama has much to worry about. Who are the Republican running—a Mormon (why not a Scientologist or an Objectivist, based on the pseudo philosophy of the Jew Ann Rand, real name Alisa Rosenbaum), an old hack preacher of the Christian mythology, the reanimated Newt Gingrich, Donald Greed is Good Trump, and a bunch of nobodies.

I think the Republicans are finished when it comes to winning the presidency. It’s a plutocratic party that doesn’t give a shit about Americans or the environment. It’s a party of greed, Israel, and warmongering, with a little religious nonsense (anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage) thrown in to give it the appearance of being American and righteous.

Bullshit! I hate the Democrats but will vote for them just to punish the Republicans. Just consider that Sen. John McCain has called for the release of that filthy, anti-American Jew spy Jonathan Pollard. And of course like that traitor Edward Kennedy (may his soul rot in Hell) he sponsored amnesty for the illegals because he needed the votes of their anchor babies.

César Chávez hated America and his followers do as well. It’s interesting that his name is being put on a ship even though he hated the Navy, saying “the two worst years of my life” were the ones spent in the Navy (Wikipedia). Here’s what his people think about America and what they have planned for its future:

One other point. The U.S. military now relies heavily on imported mercenaries since most gringo boys and girls seek to devote their lives to something more rewarding and moral than serving the satanic military war machine that has been slaughtering the Iraqi and Afghan people for eight and ten years. I noticed that the newspaper photo has a gringo in the center surrounded by vatos doing jobs Americans don’t want. Not familiar with vatos? Take a look:

Another American Idiocy in the Same Newspaper

“Prophesy that the End Is Nigh Attracts Support and Ridicule”

The born-agains believe the world will begin to rapidly end this Saturday. This is based on the prediction of a dumb-ass radio preacher Harold Camping. I’ve actually listened to this guy a number of times. He's like an old-time deluded prophet, but I can see how the faithful (and terribly ignorant) could be mesmerized by him. He is MR. BIBLE.

In the article there is one of MR. BIBLE’s follower mentioned, a Jim Groark of Point Loma. This guy looks intelligent, but that just goes to show you how looks can be deceiving. I mean most teenagers have more commonsense than this bonehead. This dumbass hands out religious tracts near the San Ysidro border, I guess because Americans know he’s flipped his wig. The thing is that the folks south of the border, being uneducated, already believe the Bible bull, and the Bible is mostly BS. But the true-believing Hispanics aren’t so fucking stupid as to believe the world will come to an end on Saturday.

Jimbo should put his money where his mouth is. Say that if the world doesn’t come to an end on Saturday he’ll drink the disappointed believer’s Kool-Aid. I’ve read a lot of the Bible and many books about it and I can’t stand dumbasses who have read nothing but the Bible and know nothing about how it came about to be. Some reading for the ignorant:

The Jesus Myth
by G.A. Wells
The Messiah Myth by Thomas Thompson
Who Wrote the New Testament? by Burton Mack
The Bible Unearthed by Finkelstein and Silberman
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

It was one-book-is-all-you-need deluded true-believing Christian dumbasses like Jimbo and his demented mentor who destroyed the greatest library, university and research center of antiquity: the Alexandria Library, which contained 750,000 volumes. “It lasted from about 300 BC until the fourth century of the Christian Era, when fanatical Christians destroyed the greatest glory of pagan scholarship... an act of vandalism long unfairly ascribed to the Muslim caliph, Omar.” (An Intellectual and Cultural History of the Western World by Elmer Barnes. Of course, I don’t expect morons like Jimbo and Camping to read anything that has to do with factual history.)

Thus, when JudeoChristianity took hold of the Roman Empire learning in Western Civilization came to a halt and would not resume for a thousand year. That's what the Jews did to our people. What the Jewish mythology accomplished was the dumbing down Western Civilization. And eventually it would have the same effect among those peoples who adopted the Muslim version of the Abrahamic idiocy. Western Civilization would not begin to recover from the intellectual coma the Jews (the UnSainttly Paul in particular) until it returned to it Greek and Roman heritage.

But the recovery was slow and required intellectual courage that the Christian Jimbos lacked. And so while they have been waiting for the world to end, Christian deludeans have been responsible for such events as religious wars, the Inquisition, the Crusades, the slaughtering of pagans, etc. Why calling someone a PERSON OF FAITH is considered a compliment I'll never understand. Basically it means a highly emotional, unthinking individual. Exactly the kind of people you need to fly planes into building, to engage in various types of atrocious acts such as those listed above. So fuck you, Jimbo and your moronic teacher Camping and all of this other lemming followers.

However, the point I wanted to make is this is just another indication why America is doomed. Just too many fucking idiots in the country, many of them being politicians. Why in the fuck have Americans allowed the fucking Jews hijack U.S. foreign policy?

Did you read the following in today's paper: that “Israeli officials continued to lobby the administration until right before Obama arrived at the State Department for the address... White House officials said he did not change anything under Israel pressure?” ( ) He shouldn’t have to. FUCK THE JEWS. Let those motherfuckers take care of themselves. Per capita they’re probably the richest people in the world. They certainly sucked the American financial system dry (and into a state of collapse).

And Israel has one of the most advanced militaries in the world—with nuclear weapons. So why does Israel receive the pigs share of U.S. Foreign Aid and has the U.S. Government by the nose? Why in the fuck do you think 9-11 happened? Why do you think we are in Iraq and Afghanistan? It’s because of dumbass, deluded American Christians. Maybe Obama will get tough with Prime Minister Benjamin Nitwityahoo, but I doubt it. The Jews have America punked. America is Israel butt-boy.

And I get so sick of hearing about the Jews whining about the Holocaust. The Jews lost 6 million. The fucking Russians lost 23 million, 8 million fighting the Nazis. All together 62 to 78 million people were killed as a result of the war. And the Jews died like sheep. Do you think the Muslims would have allowed themselves to be sent off to concentration camps without a fight? No fucking way!

But the Holocaust was the best thing that could have happened to the Jews who survived. The West feeling guilty for what Germany gave the Jews land belonging to Palestinians. (And why should they have when millions of their own soldiers died fighting the fucking Germans?) Then came the Holocaust Industry that is still going full blast. Think of all the books and movies being produced by Jews to keep the guilt alive. And now Jews can do anything they want (illegal and immoral) and if anyone complains they bring up the Holocaust and people back off.

I say, shit happens and the Jews brought it upon themselves because they invented an egotistical religion that justified hating nonbelievers and as a quark of fate they became the nonbelievers (by rejecting Jeesus) of the religion they invented—Christianity in the first place. They deserved to be punished for all the witches, infidels, and heathens their idiotic (bleak and cruel) mythology caused.

Okay, and if the world doesn’t come to an end Saturday will Jimbo and Camping conclude based on that empirical evidence that what the Bible says is bullshit? Fuck no. These morons don’t give a fuck about empirical evidence (historical, textual, or archeological). Like the Indians who would do the rain dance and when the rain didn’t come would conclude they did the dance wrong, Jimbo, Camping and all the others fanatics like them will conclude they misinterpreted what the Bible says. What a fucking joke these people are.