Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Riots in Not So Jolly Old England ;-)))

Hey England, how’s that immigrant OPEN DOOR POLICY working out? Not getting much love from the dark side? Fucking London is looking a lot like Raccoon City overrun by voodoo zombies with a few wannabe infected Brits. Just what the country needs to attract tourists. I mean tourists visit jolly old England to hang out with jolly English people, not aliens from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Barbados, Grenada, Antigua and Barbuda, Saint Lucia, Dominica, Montserrat, Anguilla, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Guyana, and other nightmare producing societies. Take a look at life in Jamaica:


I know that that these places suffered at the fists of Great Britain when it was great, but it’s really stupid to allow people who hate your guts to invade your country just because you have a guilty conscience. And that wasn’t the fault of the British people but the stupid fucking British government, the same one that was in cahoots with that sleazy, ghoulish fucking scumbag billionaire Murdock. ;-)))


That fucking pig ought to be put into prison with that psychopath Levi Bellfield who killed 13-year-old Milly Dowler and other girls.


And throw in that red-headed dead-child molester Rebekah Brooks. She deserves to meet Levi in person. It seems the British government doesn’t have the balls to protect the British people. Maybe it should have devoted more effort to protect England from invasion than playing the big man on the world stage by killing Iraqis and Afghans. ;-)))

Supposedly the whole mess started because one of them—Mark voodoo Duggan. Of course the police are to blame even though Mark was carrying a gun. Why was he carrying a gun in a nation where guns are rare (except among members of the dark side) and illegal. ;-)))

Now jolly Mark was an alleged drug dealer and gang member, and father of 4 was shot and killed by police officers in an armed confrontation. In other words, a drug loser with 4 kids. No matter—shackmate and brats can live off the British dole. ;-)))

Check this out from Wikipedia's "British African-Caribbean community," i.e., African-Caribbean community occupying the British homeland. My hateful comments are in the brackets.
While individuals with Caribbean heritage excelled [YEAH RIGHT! DON’T WANT TO TOO NEGATIVE.] in a variety of fields in British society during the 1990s and 2000s, many recurring issues continued to impact the African-Caribbean community as a whole. The police response to the 1993 murder of Black teenager Stephen Lawrence, by assailants that have yet to be convicted, led to an outcry from the community and calls to investigate police conduct. [THE HATE THE POLICE WHEN THEY DON’T DO THEIR JOB AND HATE THEM WHEN THEY DO!] The subsequent government inquiry, the Macpherson Report, was vigorously sought by Stephen's Jamaican-born parents and revealed evidence of institutional racism in the London Metropolitan Police Service, confirming the beliefs of many Black Britons. [WHEN IN THE FUCK SHOULD THE BRITISH LIKE JAMAICANS? THEY ARE NOT BRITISH BUT HOSTILE, PARACITIC ALIENS ALLOWED INTO THE COUNTRY BY THE CORRUPT BRITISH GOVERNMENT.] ;-)))

The community has suffered from an increasing association with gun-crime, [COMMITTED BY DARKIES] heightened by high profile murders, such as that of two young women shot outside a Birmingham hair salon in 2003. Several media outlets blamed a “gangster rap culture” in the community, [SKIP THE RAP. THEY’RE JUST GANGSTERS] though Assistant Chief Constable Nick Tofiluk of the West Midlands Police believed that the use of firearms is not an Afro-Caribbean issue alone, and has been on the rise throughout British society. [THE ISSUE IS IT’S A MAU MAU CULTURE THAT ENJOYS SMOKING WEED AND TAKING OTHER DRUGS, LISTENING TO BOB MARLEY, DOING VOODOO, LIVING OFF THE BRITISH SOCIALIST TIT, COMMITTING CRIMES, AND MOST OF ALL HATING THE FUCKING ENGLISH.] Tensions between African-Caribbean residents and British Asians in a number of regions have led to confrontations, notably violent disturbances in Birmingham in 2005 where groups from both communities fought and rioted over two nights.[ANOTHER EXAMPLE OF HOW IMPORTING HOSTILE TRIBES WORKS OUT REALLY WELL FOR THE HOST NATION.] There is also evidence of tensions between the African-Caribbean community and the growing number of African immigrants.[THERE’S JUST NO BOTTOM TO THE IMMIGRATION PIT THAT JOLLY OLD ENGLAND VOLUNTARILY JUMPED IN.] ;-)))

Some African-Caribbean people have left the UK, seeking a better life abroad, either back in the Caribbean or America. [THAT’S JUST WHAT AMERICA NEEDS, MORE ROWDY DARKIES. BLACKS COMMUNITIES ARE ALREADY THE MOST DANGEROUS IN AMERICA.] ;-)))

The 1970s and 1980s were decades of comparative turbulence in wider British society; industrial disputes preceded a period of deep recession and widespread unemployment which seriously affected the economically less prosperous African-Caribbean community. [LESS PROSPEROUS BECAUSE OF THEIR CELEBRATED LAID-BACK APPROACH TO LIFE THAT FINDS EDUCATION BORING AND A NUISANCE. SO OF COURSE THEY ARE GOING TO BE POORER, THOUGH THEY WOULDN’T BE IF THEY COULD CONTROL THE RATE OF REPRODUCTION. SKILLS ARE WHAT GIVE PEOPLE POWER. THE INDIANS HAVE DONE QUITE WELL IN JOLLY OLD BRITAIN BUT THEY ARE ALSO WILL TO WORK HARD TO GET AN EDUCATION. AND WHY SHOULD THEY BE WELCOMED BY THE AVERAGE BRIT. THEY’RE NOT BRITISH. THEY ARE ALIEN TO EVERYTHING THAT IS BRITISH. AND THE BRITISH PEOPLE DIDN’T INVITE THEM INTO THEIR COMMUNITIES, THE FUCKING BRITISH GOVERNMENT DID. AND OPPRESSIVE POLICING! AFRICAN-CARIBBEAN COMMUNITIES ARE CRIME ZONES FILLED WITH CRIMINALS. THAT’S A FACT.] Societal racism, discrimination, poverty, powerlessness and oppressive policing sparked a series of riots in areas with substantial African-Caribbean populations. [THEY DO LOVE TO RIOT!] These "uprisings" (as they were described by some in the community) took place in St Pauls in 1980, Brixton, Toxteth and Moss Side in 1981, St Pauls again in 1982, Notting Hill Gate in 1982, Toxteth in 1982, and Handsworth, Brixton and Tottenham in 1985. [YEAH LOTS OF UPRISING. IF THEY DON’T LIKE JOLLY OLD ENGLAND WHY DON’T THEY GO BACK HOME? TO THE HEART OF DARKNESS WHERE THERE IS NO SOCIALIST TIT TO SUCK ON? NO FUCKING WAY.] ;-)))

The riots had a profoundly unsettling effect on local residents, and led the then Home Secretary William Whitelaw to commission the Scarman report to address the root causes of the disturbances. The report identified both "racial discrimination" and a "racial disadvantage" in Britain, concluding that urgent action was needed to prevent these issues becoming an "endemic, ineradicable disease threatening the very survival of our society".[22] The era saw an increase in attacks on Black people by white people. The Joint Campaign Against Racism committee reported that there had been more than 20,000 attacks on non-indigenous Britons including Britons of Asian origin during 1985. [OF COURSE THE BLEEDING-HEART LEFTIES RUNNING JOLLY OLD SOCIALIST BRITAIN WILL NEVER BLAME THE INTRUDERS BUT WILL ALWAYS BLAME THEIR OWN PEOPLE. THE BRITISH PEOPLE ARE POWERLESS 1984 PROLES IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY.] ;-)))

In many parts of Britain, African-Caribbean people have been recognised as being part of a distinct community. In the 1950s and 1960s community centres and associations sprung up in some British towns and cities with an aim to serve African-Caribbean populations. One such example was the African Caribbean Self Help Organisation (ACSHO) which was formed in 1964 in the district of Handsworth in Birmingham. These centres have often addressed issues that rise within the community, including perceived problems of police harassment and concerns about the housing of Black people, which was viewed as discriminatory during the early decades of mass immigration. The centres also allowed African-Caribbean peoples to socialise without risking the potential racial discrimination and aggression of "unfriendly pubs" [SO WHAT HAPPENS IS THE AFRICAN-CARIBBEANS—LIKE ALL THE OTHER IMMIGRANTS—FORM INTO ALIEN ENCLAVES AND THE RESULT IS A NATION OF WARING TRIBES. AND THE FUCKING LEFTIES’ DEMOGRAPHIC UTOPIA JUST DOESN’T QUITE WORK OUT BECAUSE THEY ARE (LIKE MARX) IDEOLOGUES WHO IGNORE OR ARE INDIFFERENT TO WHAT THEIR PEOPLE (THE BRITISH PEOPLE) WANT.] [OH YEAH, WHY SHOULD BRITISH PUBS WELCOME NONBRITISH INTERLOPERS WHOSE PEOPLE ARE DESTROYING BRITISH CULTURE. FOR EXAMPLE, THE OLD LONDON NO LONGER EXISTS. ITS BECOME A REFUGEE CAMP FULL OF HOSTILE ANTIWESTERNERS. ONE AUTHOR GAVE IT THE NAME OF LONDONSTAN.]
See Londonistan for yourself:


Here’s how immigrants add a little extra to what they get the British dole:


Police say such postings encouraged other people to join in the looting so don’t show off what you’ve stolen. The British police, like the rest of the British government, are fucking clueless. (Is castration a requirement to become a bobby? They look like a bunch of silly eunuchs out on the streets. At least the Jamaican police haven’t been castrated and are actually feared by criminals.) ;-)))

And the situation isn’t any better in the U.S. This is what the New York Times says:
Many of the gang members were not killed or arrested. Some fled [from Jamaica] to the United States, where they formed new gangs that they called "posses."
Today, the Jamaican posses are one of the most vicious criminal forces in America, Federal law enforcement officials say. They are major traffickers of cocaine and guns, the Federal authorities say, and have been involved in more than 1,400 drug-related killings in the United States in the last three years. #304 Federal Arrests The United States Attorney General, Dick Thornburgh, says there are 40 separate Jamaican gangs with a total of 10,000 members operating throughout the United States. In a series of raids last month, Federal agents and police arrested 304 suspected Jamaican gang members, mainly in Houston, Miami and New York. (By Joseph B. Treaster)
What are you going to do? At least Americans can arm themselves. I think British bobbies could learn something from American boobies:


P.S. The riots will inflame the hatred between Brits, aliens, and government. The Brave New World government planners blew it. They betrayed the British people by imposing upon them a leftist multicultural agenda. (And like it or not, only Anglo-Saxon-Western-European stock are not aliens in Great Britain. All others are interlopers.) Thus, EVERYONE IS FUCKING PISSED and a multicultural war is raging, sometimes silently, other times with great noise and violence.

The young Brits especially feel betrayed. The left-wing British multiculturalists (traitors) have allowed invading armies of aliens to steal Great Britain from the British people. Now the British can understand the anger of the Norwegian shooter Anders Behring Breivik. He rightly blamed the betrayers and traitors, not the invaders. Without a nation a young people have nothing to strive for, to feel a part of, to take pride in. One's culture and nation is supposed to be like God—there to give a person's life meaning when it may not working out so well at the individual level. Many criticize the young Brits for their decadent and aggressive behavior. Why shouldn't they choose a life of decadence and violence? Pride comes not only from the individual but from a national and cultural identity, but young Brits have watched their nation be given away and their culture polluted by aliens. So they just say FUCK IT AND FUCK YOU! ;-)))

The Prime Minister David Cameron showed how much the upper leftist crust cares about the British people by remaining on vacation in Italy while London burned. And what does he do when he gets back? Talk, talk, talk, talk. The British politicians are good at talking and doing nothing. What Great Britain needs is a military takeover that would purge the nation of the alien cancer that is destroying the nation's culture and causing anger, hatred, and resentment among the British young. The multiculturalists always wonder why British young people can't behave like the best of the aliens, such as the Hindu people. One answer is that aliens have no reason to be pissed. They are not the ones losing their nation. They can still identify with the homeland left behind. They are not a people without a country.

Jolly Old Britain is broken to bits like Humpty Dumpty—and no one in government can put Jolly Old Britain back together again. ;-)))