Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Osama bin Laden Remembrance Day

America is haunted by his ghost. America’s become like a nervous dog that whines and barks at every sound. The 9-11 attacks did very little real harm to America, but America’s response to the attacks has been devastating for America, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Bin Laden knew that because of its inflated ego that America would fly into a national rage, further inflamed by the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, Inc., and by born-again, I am the bloody hand of god, wannabe big-man, Christian ayatollah George Bush. But the Iraq War was simply icing on the cake for bin Laden.

Bin Laden didn’t create the America’s $14 trillion national debt or its $54 trillion total debt. Americans did that to themselves. However, the $1.6 trillion already spent on the Iraq and Afghan wars came from borrowed money.
“Add to this a further $800 billion in defense increases that are not directly war-related and hundreds of billions of dollars in new homeland security measures. The resulting debt accounts for well over one-quarter of the increase in US national debt since 2001.”

And bin Laden wasn’t responsible for the collapse of the U.S. economy. Wall Street Jews and filthy, greedy American gentiles were responsible for that. And bin Laden didn't cause of over one million Americans to lose their homes and about 8 million to lose their jobs. Americans are responsible for that. And the 2 million people in prison. They were there before 9-11. And the tens of millions of illegal aliens and their anchor babies that are transforming America into the world’s largest refugee camp? Don’t blame bin Laden. And the Southern California blackout? American ineptitude, not bin Laden.

But bin Laden has distracted Americans from addressing problems at home and has helped cipher money into the military that could have been used to solve problems on the home front (but that doesn't make war profiteers rich). He must have taken the idea from Reagan. Just get America to spend enough money on the military and the American house of cards will collapse, especially given its being controlled Paleolithic Republicans, Marxist Democrats, and unAmerican Zionist Jews who are sacrificing America on the altar of Israel.

A few days ago hammer & sickle NPR did a piece on Carie Lemack. Her mother died in the 9-11 attacks and Carie has become a money-making celebrity off the death of her mother. It’s a little like the Holocaust Industry that excuses the Jews for stealing the homeland of the Palestinians, enables them to take control of U.S. foreign policy, and get away with all kinds of human rights abuses.

Carie helped make an anti-terrorism documentary titled Killing in the Name, obviously receiving strong sponsorship from Jews and I’m sure the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, Inc., loves the movie now that it fears some of its weapons systems might have to be scrapped to help get America out of the red ink it’s drowning in. If you want to know where KILLING IN THE NAME originated, you need to go to the Old Testament. It’s a Jewish inspired notion inherited by both Christians and Muslims—specifically killing pagans (such as the slaughter of the American Indians) in Yahweh’s name.

Carie said on NPR that she gave up on trying to make sense out what caused 9-11. That’s what all Americans do. So she went to business school. While there she should have taken a few history classes. That way she might have better understood bin Laden's motivation. (One of the BIG PROBLEMS with the U.S. Government is that it's run mostly by lawyers, ex-military, and businessmen and among such "thinkers" one can't expect to find much wisdom or devotion to the truth. Take a moment to consider what lawyers do to win cases or what businesses do to sell products—rhetoric and advertisement. In other words, they distort or ignore the truth.)

It wasn't long ago that European nations controlled all of Africa and much of the rest of the world. Take a look:

It was during the 20th century that these nations began to free themselves from their colonial oppressor. Carie laments the death of her mother, but these people lost for a time their homelands and freedom from colonial came at a very high price. If books are burdensome I suggest watching the movie The Battle of Algiers. Carie has help produce a documentary on terrorism. I recommend that she watch documentaries on the Vietnam War. The Vietnamese didn't lose 3000 people but 2 to 4 million, an even greater loss when one considers the size of the Vietnamese population compared to the U.S.'s. That is also true for the American wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. I suggest Hearts and Minds and or Vietnam's Unseen War. You can watch on line:

How many Muslims were interfering in America’s affairs before say 1990? None or not many. But apparently clueless Carie doesn’t know that America has been interfering in other nations affairs since the Mexican-American War. What about the American-Philippine War? And Hawaii? And of course the Vietnam War, killing those Buddhist-communist slants in the name of Jeesus. I wonder if she knows anything about America’s participation in the overthrow of democratically elected government of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. Probably not.

And by the way, how many people have terrorists killed? 5000? Well, at least 137000 civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan as a result of America’s invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq. 9-11 was a criminal act. What America has been doing for the past ten years is committing crimes against humanity. And that doesn’t include the freedom fighters who have been dying to end the U.S. occupation of their homelands. (And apparently America has no intention of leaving the area.) When it comes to causing terror, the big terrorist on the global block isn't Muslim.

Americans believe they have the right (just like the Jews) to occupy any homeland they damn well please in the name of Jeesus and national interest. Isn’t that the justification the Jews use—that Palestine is their land because Yahweh gave it to them? How do we know? Because the Jews say so in their book of fantasies called the Bible.

And by the way, Carie, how many Taliban were involved in the 9-11 attacks? None that I know of. Whatever name you wish to label them with, Afghan fighters have been fighting invaders (such as the British, Russians, and Americans) forever. But when one is on a lucrative crusade (be it an individual like yourself or the U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, Inc.) one isn’t interested in the facts, especially when the illusions enable one to live so well.

This is what’s going on at one of the promotions of Carie's little documentary:
"This is Carie and she's nominated for the Oscar," Orr says over and over again, escorting Lemack from table to table, scooping up gift bags, brushing by the porn star Ron Jeremy, posing for photos so vendors can demonstrate that people in Hollywood were, at some point in time, holding their products: exfoliators, jewelry, perfumes, bottles of liquids that eradicate wrinkles or cure insomnia, a $1,000 gift certificate for a personal styling session, jugs of alcoholic chocolate milk doled out by two blondes in white denim cutoffs, mutant extra-long-stem roses that retail for $70 each.

Looks pretty sleazy to me, but that’s Hollywood in particular and America in general—and the reason Muslims want America to keep its sleazy influence to itself.

A nation that sees a terrorist around every corner is incapable of leading the world. And I doubt America will recover from its terror dementia to become a world leader. If the West is to provide leadership, it will have to come from the Europeans, which, unfortunately, have allowed themselves to become distracted by millions of Muslim immigrants. So perhaps China will have to lead the way. With America's bloated military and paranoia the biggest threats to the world today is not al Qaeda but the U.S.A. Sorry, Carie, that's just the way a billion Muslims (and a few billion other people) see the situation. America is SCARY!

What has America accomplished than drive the country into bankruptcy and kill and maim a lot of U.S. soldiers. It’s killed directly or indirectly tens of thousands of Iraqi and Afghan civilians and freedom fighters. So how is that a big accomplishment? Got rid of Hussein, but that should have been done in the preceding war with Iraq, but the U.S. government wanted to keep him in power because he was an enemy of Iran—an enemy of my enemy is my friend. Do the Iraqi people love Americans for getting rid of Hussein? No. Having endured the horror show of the American military occupation they have forgot about the bad old days under Hussein. And now their country is wrecked.

One thing America has accomplished is to create tens of thousands of terrorists, when before there were only hundreds. Muslims know America is not their friend. America is Israel’s friend, and by the way has been the friend of all the dictators in the region. In fact, I believe America enjoys being being an Israel-like anathema in today’s world. Hated, despised, and feared by every nation—except Israel. That is consistent with its Christian ideology, that like Christ it will be reviled and rejected but will be serving the good nonetheless. It's sick, very sick.

Yes, 9-11 has become bin Laden Remembrance Day because America won't let the world forget it, just like the Jews won't let the world forget the Holocaust. Pathetically Americans thinks of 9-11 as their 20th century Holocaust—a suffering equivalent to that experienced by the Jews under Hitler and by blacks and Indians under American rule.

The entire front page of today's 9-11 edition of the propagandistic San Diego Union-Tribune is devoted to "Horrors of historic day carry different memories and meanings for America's diverse population." Notice the inserted bit of multiculturalism propaganda, which has become the main theme of the paper. The article begins with a quote from Ken Druck, a bereavement counselor: "We will be somewhat retraumatized." The entire nation has become like the Biblical Job—except the entire nation did not suffer at all, only 3000 people and their families.

And never mind the suffering endured by other peoples throughout the world today, such as the Somalis, millions of whom are facing starvation:

Also, Americans consider the 9-11 attacks to be similar to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. That finally got America into the war two years after the war began. Why the delay? Why go to war if you can make a profit from it without doing so? Besides, Americans have never really liked Europeans all that much. They wouldn't have gotten involved in World War I two and a half years after it started if the Germans hadn't sunk a British ship with Americans on board. However, after World War II, America learned that war was good for the war industries as long as the wars were fought on other countries' soil—the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Desert Storm, the Afghan War, and the Iraq War. Lots of wars! Of course, America has always like wars—killing Indians, Mexicans, Chinese (in the Boxer Rebellion), Filipinos... Actually the list is really long:

And since World II war has become a really big, profitable business in the U.S.: the largest multi-corporation corporation in the country: U.S. Military-Industrial Complex, Inc. No selling of products, no competition. Just raking in the dough from American taxpayers. Of course, U.S. soldiers pay a price when wounded or killed, but after the Vietnam War that was their choice. And the military can be a lot of fun—like a real life video game. And fighting Arabs is just dangerous enough to get the adrenalin pumping.

And the military is the perfect Marxist community—pure socialism with terrific benefits, like medicare forever and a soldier can start collecting a regular retirement pension as early as 37 years old. What's more, that pension check can grow with a cost of living adjustment each year. After 20 years, and the soldier gets 50 percent of his/her base pay immediately upon retirement. After 32 years the soldier will receive 80 percent of his/her pay. I really don't get why military personnel get so much praise for being in the military. Obviously they do it for the thrill and the benefits. It's not like working in a coal mine.

Back to Pearl Harbor. Americans want to see the 9-11 attacks as being like the Pearl Harbor attacks—Americans being drawn into battle with a global enemy. Sorry, the terrors are nothing like the Japanese military--no navy, air force, military equipment other than what they can carry on their backs. America wants the rest of the world to believe its fight this great global military but the rest of the world isn't buying. They see that the Emperor America has no clothes, that America is presenting itself as a kind of Superman nation preventing the world from being overrun but nasty terrorists. But what the rest of the world sees is something pathetic and scary—that America more than the terrorists is most likely to bring ruin upon the world with help from Israel.

America just can't let go of 9-11 because it has invested too much money, blood, and media into its 9-11 suffering to quit now. As a result the nation is now suffering from 9-11 dementia.

So twenty years from now we'll be celebrating the 20th anniversary of 9-11 and reminding the world of the genius who brought it about. The ghost of bin Laden will continue to haunt America, but now he cannot be killed because he is ghost.