Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Arizona Recall and the Failure of Democracy in the U.S.

Democracy will destroy not save America

Democracy no longer serves Americans because it has become the weapon of choice by the alien enemies of Americans, in particular the HISPANIC NATION.

Alamo Arizona under siege
PHOENIX (AP) — Last week's recall election defeat of the Republican legislator who wrote Arizona's tough anti-immigration law and the seating of Democratic mayors in Phoenix and Tucson have given Democrats renewed hope for picking up the state in next year's Senate and presidential elections.
The American patriot who wrote that legislation in an attempt to defend Americans in Arizona from the Hispanic civilian army that has invaded the state is Senate President Russell Pearce.

Combined, the outcomes underscored the diversity of voters in what many view as a conservative state even though voters here are split nearly in thirds among Republicans, independents and Democrats.

The diversity of voters means that Hispanic illegal aliens and their anchor babies have taken control of the state. Hispanics are now 30% of the state’s population, and as I have said before, 30% is all they need to control state level (or national level) politics. Especially when one adds 12% Pacific Islanders and 2% Asian. That leaves the gringos at 57%.
“For the first time in 20 years, we will have Democratic mayors of Tucson and Phoenix," state Democratic Party Chairman Andrei Cherny wrote in an email to supporters. "And for the first time in American history, a state legislative leader - the most powerful politician in Arizona - was recalled from office. These are victories for all Arizonans - ones that six months ago would have seemed all but impossible."
Phoenix’s mayor: Phil Gordon, a Jew.

Tucson’s mayor: Robert E. Walkup is a Republican but won’t run again, opening the door for a Marxist, multiculturalist democrat—either Hispanic or Jewish. The governor is Jan Brewer. Because of her stand against the aliens she’s history.

Andrei Cherny is also a Jews.

The Jewish agenda is the transform America into a minority-majority nation. In other words, the gringo gentiles will become just another minority. To do this the Jews need an army of anti-Americans that will allow the Jews (and the aliens) to take control of America’s democratic political system.

By doing this the Jews will take control of the country, which they have done to a large extent—in Washington, D.C., Hollywood, New York, and California. Both of California’s U.S. Senators are Jewish. And if you know anything about neoconservatism (and most Americans don’t) you know that the Jews have taken control of the federal government, which was the main cause of the Iraq War—the U.S. serving as Israel’s pit bull.

“These are victories for all Arizonans,” say Cherny. I say BULL SHIT! They are victories for the Jews and their illegal alien allies.

What the stupid gringos do not understand is that with democracy numbers is all that counts. From a different perspective Darwin understood this as well. Why is it that the most power animals on the planet are becoming extinct but rats and cockroaches are thriving? Because rats and cockroaches have numbers. Americans thought they were too powerful to be conquered. The Zionist insurgents in the U.S. convinced Americans that the Muslims were the threat, which distracted Americans from the real threat within and the one that has been pouring across the border. That is why the Mexicans call themselves the COCKROACH PEOPLE. Once they invade your home there is no getting rid of them.

"A year from now [said Cherny], when we are looking back on Election Day 2012, we will point to last night as where things turned around for our party and state," he added.

No shit. Arizona will become the next Alamo State.

Republicans dismissed Tuesday's results as coming from an "abnormal election" funded by out-of-state interests upset by Arizona's 2010 enactment of the groundbreaking immigration enforcement law known as SB1070.

The fucking Republicans are so fucking stupid. The message the recall clearly sends is that the Republicans can protect the state (and certainly not America). For one thing look at Sen. John McCain, a pro-illegal alien, anti-American collaborator. Which is exactly what George W. Bush was.

That is one reason the country is being run by a Kenyon. It’s actually fucking funny. :-)))

"They thought this proved a point. It didn't," said Arizona GOP chairman Tom Morrissey. "It will all be undone in the next election. It was a power grab by the left. They won a battle, they have not won the war by any means."

Yeah but that mean they have a chance, a very good chance, of winning the war, which means winning the war for the Hispanic Nation, Israel and the Zionists occupying the U.S., and the Marxist left that wants to turn America into the world’s largest refugee camp!

Paleolithic Republican Party to the rescue—no fucking way

And what is is the PALEOLITHIC REPUBLICAN PARTY going to do about. Look who they have running for president. A selfish black tiger Woods wannabe (if I’m going to vote for a black man I’ll vote for one who can keep his hand off white women’s asses), a Mormon cultist, a mentally challenged clone of George Bush, a born-again foster mom who wants to adopt and convert all Americans as her children, Lazarus porky pig Gingrich (who had eighty-four ethics charges filed against him when he was Speaker of the House but still looks good compared to the groper), Ron Paul but he’s too intelligent to get Republicans to vote for him, and then a bunch of president wannabes who look like used car salesmen. It’s hard to believe this is the party of Harry S. Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Oh how the mighty have fallen!

Back to the insurgency

In 2012, Obama spokeswoman Ofelia Casillas said, the state will play a "critical role" and has been among the battleground states where its grassroots movement, Organizing for America, has been active. The campaign has also recently hired a Mexican-American regional field director and a Mexican-American fellow who is focused on reaching out to the Latino community.

Obama spokeswoman Ofelia Casillas—the name says it all. I will bet you anything that there is an illegal in her family history. And it seems she is also a member of the ACLU (Anti-American Civil Liberties Union) You can see that Arizona and the aliens in the White House provide a crystal ball in which to see America’s alien future.
Richard Carmona officially entered the race for the seat now held by retiring Republican Jon Kyl. The former surgeon general under President George W. Bush was aggressively recruited by Democratic leaders who hope he will appeal to the state's moderate and independent voters.
The former surgeon general under President George W. Bush! Americans have no chance when they are being betrayed by their presidents. Bush is far worse than Obama because Bush claims to be ALL-AMERICAN. He is an ALL-AMERICAN TRAITOR. Obama is an alien. So yeah we expect him to be for the aliens. That doesn’t make him a traitor. Richard Carmona is a Puerto Rican who joined the military when he was 16. Now there are over a million Hispanics in the U.S. military. If the military is accept aliens as mercenaries and America allows Puerto Ricans, Cuban, etc. to become Americans automatically then America will become nation totally dominated by Hispanics by mid-century and a full-fledge Hispanic Nation but the end of the century.


Barrio San Diego has become a Mexican city. Reading the Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune you would think you’re reading a Mexican newspaper. Its favorite topic are Hispanics. Take yesterday’s issue. One article is titled “SUPERMERCADOS SURGE: HISPANIC MARKETS, DRIVEN BY DEMOGRPHIC SHIFTS, SEE BUSINESS GROWING” Fucking scary. Another American city bites the Hispanic dust:
Hispanic “supermercados” are springing up around the nation and competing on price and product mix with small bodegas and mainstream supermarkets alike.

Demographic shifts are driving development of these retail stores, which often boast on-site tortilla factories, premium meat and seafood sections, and hot-food

About 1 in 3 San Diego residents is Hispanic, up from around 1 in 4 a decade ago, according to 2010 census data.
Mid-century it will be 1 in 3 are gringo. End of century. The gringo won’t be worth counting. They will have taken off looking for an American city. Good luck!

Oh yeah, the article is by Yanya Mannes. Finding a gringo writer for Barrio SDU-T is like finding a needle in a Hispanic haystack.

You can leave feed back on the article but Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune requires that the commenter leave his/her name. Don’t want to offend any of the alien customers. That means the negative comments won’t appear. Do you really think saying what you think is worth losing your job. It’s just another way of silence the voice of America, just like the jackboots have been shutting down the Occupy people.

The never-ending war at home

Everything will be fine when all the warring tribes are living happily together—but that will NEVER happen. The Hispanic, black, Asian, and white gangs will remain. People will continue to arm themselves. There will be plenty of hated. Sure perhaps half of Americans will accept losing their country. That leaves a hundred million plus who will remain angry as hell. America will become like Israel and South Africa, having to spend a lot of time, money and attention on controlling the outburst of hate.

The people people love to hate most

A recent example is the outburst of hatred expressed against Brooklyn Jews.

The Jews are the most hated people in the world and in America. Their defenders say that Antisemitism is unjustified. I say bullshit. Just ask the Palestinians. America wouldn’t be in two wars were it not for the Zionists in this country. The Jews turned Wall Street into Rip-Off America Street. They’ve turned Hollywood into a porno factory. I hate them for what they have done, not for their religion. Certainly not for killing Jesus, though Jesus saw through the phoniness of his people’s religion. Read Nietzsche’s The Anti-Christ. Oh I forgot Americans can’t read. They prefer to lap up the Jewish vomit spewing out of Hollywood.

I hate the Jews for the same reason they hate Hitler—for their action, not for their idiotic religion, though their idiotic religion destroyed Western Civilization (read Charles Feeman’s The Closing of the Western Mind). And I feel the same way about the Mexicans who illegally invaded my country. I feel toward them the way their ancestors felt toward Americans when they invaded Mexico. And I hate the Jews for being the advocates and collaborators of the invaders. I hate even more American traitors (Jews are interlopers, not Americans) such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Ronald Reagan, Ted Kennedy, and bloodthirsty, arrogant, self-serving and morally demented John McCain, all of whom who have aided and abetted the enemy.

An unhappy marriage but mother America all I got

Don’t think for a minute I think America is innocent. I’m not a fucking Republican (or a Marxist Democrat). It’s tribal. The American tribe has behaved awfully throughout its history: destroying Indians, enslaving Africans, destroying with glee wildlife, greedily seeking more of everything—power and wealth—beyond its borders, the monstrous crime committed against the Vietnamese, the war against the Iraqi people, the never-ending war against the Afghan people. But there are decent Americans and they are my people, not the Jews, not the Mexicans, not any of the other ALIEN invaders. ALIEN because they are non-Europeans. I’m of European stock and perhaps I will return to Europe and forget about the alien deluge destroying my country. I know... The Muslims are destroying Europe, dragging it back to the Dark Ages. I’ll have to find a niche away from the noisy call to prayer. It would be good to get away from the Americans who made mother America a whore to be ravaged by the aliens. Those Americans are far worse than the aliens. One is supposed to fight to protect one's mother.

The end won’t be pretty :-)))

Anyway, the tribes aren’t going to melt in the American melting pot. That fire has gone out and has been rekindled as a pervasive hatred. By the end of the century American troops will be needed here at home keeping a lid on the hate. :-)))

P.S.: Bad news is never ending in the U.S.

Census bad new for California

The bad news from south of the border never ever stops. An article in today’s Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune by Elizabeth Aguilera (that’s right, a Hispanic) says,
NATIVE CALIFORNIANS MADE UP MORE THAN HALF OF THE STATE’S POPULATION LAST YEAR — the first time that has happened in more than a century, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. It resulted from the nation’s lowest migration rate in decades and more CALIFORNIANS CONTINUING TO MOVE TO NEARBY STATES.
Native Californians made up more than half of the state’s population last year. That means about half aren’t native and a big chuck of them is Hispanic. Also, the so-called native Californians are now mostly the children of aliens, including a lot of anchor babies. And the two categories of Californians leaving the state are gringos tired of living in Barrio and having to pay endless taxes to care for and educate nonAmerican children. I’m certainly getting the fuck out.

The other group is Hispanic immigrants moving into other American cities that will be Hispanized, causing the gringos to leave them.
Census even worse news for Texas

This one from is from The title of the article is Fewer People moving, but Texas Leads in New Arrivals. Author: Juan Castillo. You guessed it! :-))

But Texas also saw the third-highest number of people leave the state for other states, with 411,641, meaning it had a net in-migration of about 75,000.

I don’t why anyone would want to live in the state that produced George W. Bush and Rick Perry. And child-beaters like the cowardly judge William Adams:

Filthy, chickenshit YouTube has the video but is using the video to get people to sign up with YouTube. What I say to YouTube is FUCK YOU! you money-grubbing assholes.

Anyway, a lot of the people leaving Texas might be kids getting the shit beat out them. My guess is a lot of the migration experienced by Texas and California is Hispanic:

In 2010, Texas led the nation in migration from other states with 486,558, and the largest outflow among all states was from California to Texas, with nearly 69,000 Californians moving here.

Gringos make up only 45% of Texas’ population. Hispanics 37%. The comparison with California is interesting. In California gringos make up only 40% of the population. Hispanics 37%. Asians grab 13%. You can see which way the alien wind is blowing—from the south and east. And Americans have become so much litter. Which they deserve for being so estúpido.
