Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Black Armbands Required for Gringo 4th of July Celebration

That’s right. Get out the old sackcloth and ashes. This year the 4th will be a day of mourning because this year the American music died and was replaced by mariachi music, along with Latino gangster rap and narcocorrido music. America is dead long live Amerexico!

Gracias Señor Justice John Roberts

Tens of millions of Hispanic illegals and their anchor babies rejoice. The Hispanics have broken into the homeland of Americans and are in the process of ransacking it. The president of the Hispanic Nation, half-alien Obama, has worked hard to insure that America will soon become Barrio America with the help of collaborators such as Chief Injustice Roberts.

The Court said that it’s okay for states to ask criminals about their residency status, such as rapists, murderers, assassins for the drug cartels. That means all those criminals will be relocating from Arizona to California. However, it’s not okay to ask if a person is in the country illegally. Those criminals are to be left alone. It’s the job of the Feds to secure the borders. What that means is the Feds will keep out the big ILLEGALS WELCOME mat. The government’s motto is FIGHT THEM ABROAD WHILE THEY INVADE AT HOME.

Did you notice that the weather kills more Americans at home than the terrorists do? That’s because the U.S. spends trillions of dollars fighting the terrorists instead of protecting Americans at home, such as from the bad weather crossing the border each day. How much does it cost to kill one Al-Qaeda? Wikipedia says that there are between 500 and 1000 members of Al-Qaeda. If we killed a thousand Al-Qaeda members one calculation (based on the cost of the War on Terror) is that it cost $134,748,037 for each Al-Qaeda kill. They are the ones who carried out the 9-11 attacks, so everyone else is collateral damage.

And during the 10 year War on Terror, the Hispanics invaded the U.S. by the tens of millions and now clearly have taken over the country. NPR did a show (July 2) on overweight kids in Chula Vista, CA, schools. During the five minute piece the listener heard a teacher teaching in Spanish and a parent speaking Spanish, obviously because she couldn’t speak English. Ergo, she should have had to show proof that she was in the country legally. I think No habla ingles is justification enough to check residence status. But not in Amerexico. I mean the country is under the command of the great alien chief. He’s not even a real American black, except perhaps for hating honkies. Remember he is a protegee of Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

If you did a C-section of Obama Rev. Wright would come out just like in the Aliens movies, looking for some honky to lynch. Well, Obama with the help of Benedict John Roberts has just lynched White America.

And the extent of the problem is illustrated by the fact that Spanish has become a second language foisted upon Americans so they can communicate with the invaders in hospitals, courts, etc.

Señor Obama has been successful, with the help of the hardly Supreme and certainly unAmerican Court. Today NPR did a story on Florida which has been overrun by Haitians and Cubans and now is being flood with Puerto Ricans. (Who was the Benedict Arnold who gave them U.S. citizenship? I think it was Joseph Benson Foraker, a Republican, who also took money from Standard Oil.)

“The public health system in Puerto Rico is very dependent on Federal programs and resources,” Beytagh-Maldonado told Fox News Latino from Puerto Rico. “The reaction here to the Supreme Court decision is one of relief.”

So this 4th of July don’t forget the Chief inJustice, Benedict Arnold piñata. Just don’t let the kids eat the candy. It’s poisonous to gringo children.

Mexicans in America Head South to Vote

The July 2nd Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune says, “Mexicans living in Southern California crossed the border into Baja California on Sunday, Joining long lines of voters at Tijuana International Airport, EAGER for the chance to help choose a new president.” (Sandra Dibble)

Stupid me! I thought they came to America to become Americans. They come to fill their wallets and take advantage of all those gringo funded social services, including education and soon medical care. Even the illegals who will soon be legal with the help of Señor Obama.

Time Magazine Celebrates the Invasion of Illegals

You might have seen Time’s “We Are Americans, not just Legally” article. First of all they are not Americans even if they were here legally. Their loyalty is to the countries they came from. For example in Barrio San Diego anytime there is a soccer match between Mexico and the U.S. you will find Mexican flags hanging from the homes of Mexicans in America. If the match is in L.A. you will see the same thing wherever the match is played. Check it out:

What you get in the Time article is propaganda. One the cover is what appears to be a close-up of an illegal alien tsunami. There is a sea of almost a billion aliens south of the border and its pushing in this direction. The goal is invasion and eventual conquest. Take a look:

The Time article is by an in your gringo face vato named Jose Antonio. The caption says NOT LEGAL (i.e., criminal) and NOT LEAVING. Of course not. Like the gays he came out—NOT LEGAL NOT LEAVING. In other fuck you gringo America. Apparently he’s been going around encouraging members of the Alien Army presently occupying the U.S. and expanding into cities across the nation. There are lots of sad faces in the article but don’t fall for that rhetorical propaganda. Imagine sad face pit bulls. When you try to pet it it takes your hand off.

Jose talks about the DREAM ACT, known as the NIGHTMARE ACT to Americans. It’s amazing that these people believe invading a country and being in it illegally is okay. But then you think about all the illegal activity that goes on in Mexico and you get the picture: THE LAW IS MEANINGLESS. Power and cunning rule.

He says he is part of this evolving story and growing movement. Let’s call it THE BIRTH OF A NATION, the HISPANIC NATION, whose allies are various alien nations. The last segment of the article is titled “WHAT NEXT? Well I will tell you: the alien destruction of America. He says illegals can rely on the Democrats (who are basically unAmerican Marxists) but the Republicans need more moderates like John McCain. Let’s add that other traitor John Roberts (and Republicans don't forget the Tea Party's big hero Ronald Reagan and his amnesty for illegal aliens). You know Roberts is Catholic and that the Catholic Church has been giving sanctuary to illegals in the U.S. forever. Given the behavior of its priests there is no reason to expect the Church to obey and law of the land. It never has.

Of course we know how Romney stands on the illegals. Steve Peoples said in an Associated Press article, “Backing off the harsh rhetoric of the Republican primaries, Mitt Romney pledged Thursday to address illegal immigration... At least 1 in 6 Americans is of Hispanic descent, according to the Census Bureau, and many lean toward the Democrats. By softening his tone on immigration, Romney is looking to narrow the advantage that Obama has with this pivotal constituency.”

Thing is, dumb-ass Romney isn’t going to win. We’ve all known that since the beginning. First of all he’s not likeable. He’s a rich man who got rich by getting Americans workers fired. Plus he’s a Mormon. He would lose the race for the same reason Tom Cruise lost Katie Holmes—his too weird religion.
And Obama spent the 4th swearing in aliens. They were Marines so nobody could criticize the election year rhetorical move. But I will. The military’s alien mercenaries program has been a backdoor for illegal immigrants—a Trojan Horse, in other words. They enter the country illegally, sign up with the military and make good money with good benefits and become U.S. citizens. It works out really well for everyone but Americans. Obama conveyed citizenship not only on a Marine but on his parents as well. But what do you expect. Obama is an alien who is president of the emerging Alien Nation.

Okay, I'm being too negative and racist, etc. Maybe it can work. Maybe we can all get along. Hey, I agree that would be wonderful. But the reality is that half the Americans in the country will never accept alien invasion as being okay. The Time article pointed out that 52% of Americans support allowing police to stop and question anyone they suspect of being illegal. So what is going to happen is that tens of millions of Americans are going to remain fucking pissed and feeling betrayed. And that will encourage the aliens to identify with homeland and become more militant in their thinking toward Americans. The political hype and a few laws are not going to make the division disappear. In America it's going to be a very long and hot century. Of course, a new war might bring the country together for a while, but the last wars didn't do the trick.

The 20-30 percent factor. I’ve discussed it before. The Jews, for example, know that because America is divided between two political parties, all that’s needed is 20-30 percent of the vote. Obama knows that too. And he has just sewed up the winning margin by getting the Hispanic Nation and its army of illegals and their anchor babies on his side. Democracy in America increasingly (absolutely at the federal level) no longer works for Americans. They should have known that. But Americans should have known a lot things—liked they have been played for decades by all sorts of political hype.

At the end of the article Jose asks, “What exactly do you want to do with us?” Millions of gringos know the answer: send you back where you came from because undocumented = criminal and the country already has too many.

Illegal Immigration Is Home Invasion

An interesting side note to Jose’s and Time‘s view that what illegal immigrants do is okay and forgivable, when in fact what they do is neither. In the June 21st Barrio San Diego Union-Tribune there is an article titled “Teen evades burglars; two suspects arrested.” Here’s the entire piece. The bolding is mine:


A 16-year-old girl dropped off a roof to escape her Carlsbad house as burglars were kicking in a dog door Wednesday, police said.

Officers later arrested a man and a female accomplice who was carrying jewelry and other items belonging to the girl’s family, Carlsbad police said.

The teenager was home alone on Yosemite Street about 9:30 a.m. when a man and woman knocked on the front door. The girl saw them but didn’t open the door. Minutes later, she heard someone kicking in the small dog door at the back of the house.
She escaped out her second-floor bedroom window, dropping down to a first-floor roof and then onto the ground.

Officers caught a man and a woman who were running through the neighborhood. Natalie Espinoza, 22, of Vista, and Emmanuel Saucedo, 24, of Vista, were jailed on suspicion of burglary.

Pauline Repard • U-T

I’m certain that had illegal aliens been kept out of America this incident would not have happened and the clever and most likely terrified girl would not have had to escape, perhaps for her life. Somewhere (to someone) the two Hispanic invaders are linked to illegal immigration. They  home invasion and homeland invasion are the same. The illegal who have been invading America are criminals who steal benefits from America just as the two Hispanic thieves stole jewelry and other items belonging to the girl’s family.

Carlsbad is still a mostly white community (though the Hispanic population is increasing) and my guess the Hispanic thieves came from a nearby barrio. The point is as the Hispanic population increasing so does its threat to gringo communities. The girl was terrified.

Interestingly the article that follows (online) the home invasion story is about a Latino 17-year-old stabbed to death:

The Sheriff’s Department is asking for the public’s help to solve the homicide of a 17-year-old San Marcos high school student who died from stab wounds in March 2010.

Eric Rios and five others were stabbed when rival gangs started fighting at a house party on South Rancho Santa Fe Road near La Colusa Drive in San Marcos, sheriff’s officials said. Deputies found Rios lying in the driveway, where he died.

This kind of criminal chaos and general terror is what Americans (including many gringo traitors and collaborators) have allowed to invade America.

As America fights the couple thousands terrorists thousands of miles away, a terrifying nation (that has no respect for the law) has established itself in homeland. (A reality check: the Taliban are freedom fighters who just want U.S. occupation forces to go home. Actually I think the Taliban could do a better job dealing with Al-Qaeda than America has. Once you get out of their way (i.e., don't give them a common enemy, the U.S.), Muslims are really good at killing one another.) Americans are now under constant from drug cartels, Hispanic gangs, numberless Latino crooks such as the one in the article—all sources of terror.

All this means is that bin Laden won. He distracted the U.S. long enough for a more serious invasion to take place. (Bin Laden inflicted a dozen different types of fundamental, slow to heal if they ever do injuries on America that will continue to damage the country for decades. An ancient Chinese strategy called death by a thousand cuts.) And today Americans mourn the loss of their nation.

Time and the Hebrew Agenda

Why would Time offer itself as a platform for the propaganda of the illegals invading America? Because it is a Hebrew leftist propaganda rag. The magazine’s managing editor is Richard Stengel. About the illegals he says, “Each has a powerful story to tell.” His bit is called American Dreams. More bullshit. It’s ILLEGAL ALIEN DREAMS.

Of course there is a Jewish agenda. The Jews are all about illegal invasion and occupation. They wrote the book on it. Take a look at the Book of Joshua. Of course Americans are too stupid to know that. The other book is Origin of Species. You see I get why the aliens are invading America. That what species do. But again stupid Americans think Darwin got it all wrong even though they are living through a Darwinian nightmare.

The Jews first invaded Canaan. And then many other nations where they set up their parasitic enclaves. They have been invading the U.S. for a century. Marxist Jews (a redundancy) invaded Germany and pissed off Hitler because they wanted to destroy the culture of the German people. And of course they invaded the homeland of the Palestinians with the help of superpowers. That’s how they work. They’ve taken over American foreign policy. And they want to take over America. They’ve already taken control of the federal government, Wall Street, and Hollywood. The have the Midas touch. Everything they touch turns to gold for them and shit for America. Just look at how they have turned Hollywood into a slut factory. Every girl that goes in comes out a slut. It’s now a porno operation. They want to take control of the U.S. but they need the help (votes) of aliens to do that. They hate the goyim. They destroyed the pagans by Judaizing them. If they lived during the attack on the Alamo they wouldn’t have been leading the charge but would have paid off some goy to open the gates.

 As Goes Stockton, CA, So Goes the Nation

I guess you heard that Stockton is declaring bankruptcy. Stockton was already demographically bankrupt. It’s 37% gringo and 21% Asian and 40% Hispanic. It no longer is an American city. The Americans who can will continue to flee. It’s a nonAmerican dead zone, an alien refugee camp, which is exactly the future of America. So much for American independence!

So you are fucked, America. Put on the black arm bans and sackcloth. If you really think there is anything to celebration then you truly are a schmuck.
P.S. The Americans who really don't count, who have been removed from the bus to make room for the illegals are Native Americans and black Americans (having slave ancestry, sorry, Obama). They no longer matter because they lack the numbers to matter politically. ALL YOU FUCKING READ ABOUT TODAY ARE THE ILLEGALS AND THE WONDERFUL MEMBERS OF THE HISPANIC NATION.