Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Gringo Deconstruction of “He Found His Home on the Dance Floor”

The above is the title of a Sept. 13 love-the-alien propaganda article in the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune that I think needs a little gringo deconstruction. First of all the title. The article is about a director of a Hispanic dance studio. The article tells us that “At age 14, Oceguera — the director of Oceanside's Ballet Folklorico Tapatio — told his dad he was giving up boxing lessons with his brothers to join a Mexican folk dancing troupe.”

Now I assume that means that he lived in Mexico at the time. The article goes on, “‘It was hard for my dad to hear,’ Oceguera said. ‘In Mexico, you have really macho men and my dad wanted me to do a man's sport. But when I got in the boxing ring, I realized I didn't like to fight.’”

So it seems that Oceguera grew up in Mexico. The title says “he found his home on the dance floor," but apparently he also found his home in America. My question is this: How did that happen? How did Oceguera end up in America? Did he or his parents go through the proper consular channels or just showed up one day in the U.S. and worried about going through the proper channels later? Or perhaps they are waiting for amnesty? Maybe everything was done legally, but I'm suspicious because I know that the millions of Hispanics that populate barrio San Diego either came here illegally or their parents or grandparents did. And to me, that means they don't belong here. You see if a couple broke into my home and had a baby there, that would not mean that the baby would have a right to live in my home. Only our anti-American government tolerates that—for votes and money.

It’s as if there is an open border between the U.S. and Mexico. Of course, the exodus goes only one way. For one reason, the Mexican government doesn’t allow alien squatters to set up camp in Mexico.

You might have read in the Sept. 15 edition of the barrio San Diego Union-Tribune about the passing of Kathern Haning. The title of the obituary is “Widow Spent Her Final Years Fighting for Coastal Property Rights in Mexico”:

“Kathern “Kat” C. Haning, a widow who led an ultimately futile protest against the Mexican government for forcing Americans out of beachfront homes they had built and leased, has died. She was 75.”
“But in October 2000, after her husband had died, Mrs. Haning and more than 200 other homeowners, mostly Americans, were evicted. Authorities said the residents' business deals weren't with the legally recognized owners of the coastal property.”
The truth of the matter is LEGAL is a meaningless term in Mexico. So America gets illegally invaded by tens of millions of Mexicans and apparently that is pretty much okay with our aiding-and-abiding-the-enemy government, but Mexico throws out 200 Americans, who by the way were not living off of Mexican welfare but actually contributing to the economy. The philosophy of Mexico and the Mexicans living here toward America and Americans is FUCK YOU! STUPID GRINGO.

So once again why is Luis Oceguera in America? His dance studio is located in the Mexican barrio of Oceanside, CA. And why is Oceanside, CA, a barrio? Because it was invaded by illegals who produced lots of babies—lots and lots of babies. Oceanside used to be a cool gringo beach town. Now it’s a gang-ridden barrio. 30% of the population is Hispanic and 53% gringo. But that seems the way the country is going, and 30% Hispanic can ruin a nice American community:

The future of Oceanside, CA:

Back to the article: “In Mexico, you have really macho men and my dad wanted me to do a man's sport. But when I got in the boxing ring...” In other words, what Hispanics are all about is masculine violence. The men live the cholo life and the women produce more baby cholos. Okay, there may be a few exceptions like Señor Folklorico, but he is very much the exception. And it really doesn’t matter if the people who show up in America are nice people. If they came illegally, they don’t belong here. They are criminals. As shown in the case of Kathern Haning, Mexico doesn’t give a damn if you’re nice. If you are illegal you go to jail or back home or end up dead on the side of the road.

The article continues, “He [Oceguera] told us that his dad always taught the family the Mexican traditions and that it was important to remember them.” That’s the other thing. AMERICA is meaningless to these people. The fucking politicians who think these people come here to become Americans are full of shit. They export their culture. Actually, the Mexicans hate the gringo and gringo America. Period!

Bad news from the U.S. Census Bureau:
“The nation’s Hispanic population increased 1.4 million to reach 45.5 million on July 1, 2007, or 15.1 percent of the estimated total U.S. population of 301.6 million.”

“National and state estimates by race, Hispanic origin, sex and age released today by the U.S. Census Bureau also show that the Hispanic population exceeded 500,000 in 16 states.”

“Overall, the nation’s minority population reached 102.5 million in 2007 — 34 percent of the total. California had a minority population of 20.9 million — 20 percent of the nation’s total, Texas had a minority population of 12.5 million — 12 percent of the U.S. total.”

“132.8 million—The projected Hispanic population of the United States on July 1, 2050. According to this projection, Hispanics will constitute 30% of the nation’s population by that date.”
So that means that there will be at least 200 millions Hispanics in the U.S. by the end of the American century—almost all of whom will be the product of illegal immigration.

The situation looks really bleak, like the American Titanic has just hit the Hispanic iceberg:
“2nd: Ranking of the size of the U.S. Hispanic population worldwide, as of 2008. Only Mexico (110 million) had a larger Hispanic population than the United States (46.9 million).”
The American people have been sold out by a bunch of political traitors—people like John McCain, Ted Kennedy, George Bush, and hundreds more. Now the country is being run by a half alien. Thanks a lot Washington, for fucking over the American people!

An American Homeland Now! If the Indians deserve reservations, then the people whose ancestors built the fucking country deserve an American reservation for themselves.

Until then, LOCK AND LOAD and Remember the Alamo!—for what it’s worth.