Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Blues Again

Memorial Day, a day set aside to remember the dead members of the armed forces of all wars. Lots of irony here. And there is a lot more to remember that’s gone than just soldiers—like much of America that is now dead. Of course the government and media will make it into a big celebration of America, but for Americans there’s really not much to celebrate.


Remember when we were the good guys?

First of all the memory of the armed forces has been tarnished since the Vietnam War. About that time, America went bad. America lost 50,000 soldiers, but how many deaths did they cause?

South Vietnamese civilian dead: 1,581,000
Cambodian civilian dead: ~700,000
North Vietnamese civilian dead: ~2,000,000
Laotian civilian dead: ~50,000 (Wikipedia)

About 4 million, and for what? What did the Vietnamese people do to us? Nothing. And whom did we first support in Vietnam? Not the Vietnamese, but the colonialist French. The Vietnamese didn't do anything to us. We just didn’t like their politics.!v=9zay0zcC0K4&feature=related

Conservatives like to jump on Obama for not wearing the lapel pin:

The song is by Lee Greenwood, one of those AMERICA RIGHT OR WRONG conservatives, which means America is above morality. If they think God would bless such a country then their God is really twisted, like he’s some kind of Nazi.

And then there is the illegal, immoral war that has destroyed Iraq and devastated the Iraqi people, but that’s apparently okay with America and its God.

Of course none of that matters because America is right even when it’s wrong, like the Nazis were. And the deaths of all those civilians in Iraq:

Actually there have probably been more like a ½ million to a million death cause by the U.S. invasion of Iraq:

But on Memorial Day Americans forget (if they ever bothered to know) the lives the their military has destroyed. All that’s okay because AMERICA RIGHT OR WRONG, no matter that the Iraqis had nothing to do with the 9/11 attacks. Actually the Afghan people didn’t either. All but one of the attackers were Saudis who flew those planes. I doubt that many of the Taliban knew of the attack. But no way will we criticize dictatorships that are friendly to us. Remember Hussein was once our friend when he was fighting Iran in a war he had started. No you wouldn't know that. Americans aren't big on history. They prefer patriotic propaganda and feel-good spin.

The Afghanistan War is America’s longest war and basically the country and he war are being used to test American weapon systems, like the predator drones:

You see the government releases a critical report to show that it really does care about innocent people. That's what's called PR.

There are only about 100 Al-Qaeda left in Afghanistan (you remember, they're the guys responsible for the 9-11 attacked), but we are having too much bloody fun to leave. So now we are killing the Taliban. They are the guys who stop the Afghans from growing opium, but now Afghanistan is the largest producer of the stuff. And they are also FREEDOM FIGHTERS dying by dozens each day to drive out the Cyberdyne nation that has occupied their nation for 10 years!

ABC online NEWS tells us that with Obama’s new surge, one thousand U.S. Soldiers and $300 million will be required for every one al Qaeda fighter. Hey, but it’s like playing video games. They’re not cheap but lots of fun, except the Afghan people die and their communities are destroyed.

Here are our brave soldiers in action:!v=Og_qqzuj6xY&feature=related

According to Wikipedia, these are the Afghan civilians killed as a result of the Afghan War, excluding the death caused during the initial invasion. Of course, as you know America stop keeping track of civilian death—they’re kind of embarrassing.

• direct deaths: at least 10,172 - 12,969
• indirect deaths: 3,200 - 20,000
• direct & indirect deaths: 13,372 - 32,969
• indirect deaths after initial invasion: n/a

Now you would think 30,000 deaths of innocent people would be revenge enough for the deaths that occurred during 9/11, but everyone knows that like in the days America was killing Indians, the death of one America is equal to the death of at least a hundred Muslims or pagan Indians. And we still have some kinks to work out on some of the weapon systems and I am sure plenty more being produced in the Cyberdyne factories of the U.S. Industrial-Military Complex.

Or let’s look at the war from a different perspective. The Saturday paper tells us that 1000 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. So what is the victory in all that? And other nations have lost 675 soldiers. Soon Barack Bush Obama will have 100,000 U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

And for what purpose? Like in Vietnam—too proud to quit regardless of the slaughter? I think the answer is that the groups of people who run the U.S. Government are:


The war has nothing to do with America’s safety. In fact, the article tells us that 52% of Americans don’t believe the war is worth the cost. But when has the government given a damn about what Americans think? Its job is to ignore what they think and spin the facts to change their thinking—unless the cost is being voted out of office.

The truth is the greatest human source of DEATH, INJURY, and DESTRUCTION in the world today is the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Let's face it, a nation that is already at war but then decides to start a second war MUST LOVE WAR. The world has more to fear from us, that we have to fear from it.

Enough about the military. Okay one more item because it’s Memorial Day”

The behavior of the U.S. Government and its military in Afghanistan and Iraq has been immoral and criminal. If you’re one of Greenwood's AMERICA RIGHT OR WRONG fans, then put on that American flag lapel pin and attach those flags to your Hummer—oh I forgot, the Hummer ain’t no more. However, those U.S. Soldiers who brought havoc upon the Afghan and Iraqi people will not be remembered as we remember the soldiers of WWII—as heroes. No way. Maybe as murderers.

Let’s remember the nation those old-time American heroes fought and died to protect, a nation that is no more:

And remember when Americans preferred peace to war.


Remember when the U.S. auto industry was a leader rather than a follower?!v=HeR360RYhx0&feature=fvw

And today Ford’s Mercury is going the way of the Pontiac, Saturn, and Hummer:
“In 1979, the US Big three used to sell 9 out of 10 vehicles in US, but in 2004, foreign firms have overtaken the US auto sector and now local firms sell only 50 percent vehicles in US. By 2005, 60 percent of the US market belonged to Toyota, Honda and Hyundai. The US auto industry is in terminal decline, if this trend continues, the day is not far away when 100 percent of US auto sector will be taken by the foreign firms.”

Remember when American business was American and for Americans?

The good ol’ days before companies like

(putting the Chinese to work, and Americans out of work)

BP (blood and environmental disaster for profit)

(killing miners for profit)

(Frankenstein profits)

Killing the American farmer:

These are only four of hundreds of companies destroying America because to them AMERICA = PROFIT, nothing more. American BIG BUSINESS thinks of America only as a place to make money. Businessmen are like Dick Cheney, they have liquid money flowing through their veins instead of blood. That’s why their hearts are defective.

Watch, Food, Inc., Enron, the Smartest Guys in the Room, The High Cost of Low Price, Capitalism: A Love Story, Sicko, Roger & Me, etc. I know a lot of you people hate Michael Moore. I'm actually not a huge fan of his, but his criticisms of CORPORATE AMERICA (the political CEOs are in Washington, D.C.) are right on. But now that millions of you have lost your jobs and homes, you might want to give his movies a chance, that is if you still have a television.

Remember when U.S. unemployment was less than France’s?

U.S. unemployment is 9.9%, higher in some states like California (12%). France: 7.9%.

Remember when America’s earnings were greater than its debt?

Remember when America was better at CAPITALISM that they Chinese?

Next year Chinese economic growth rate will be between 9.7% and 11.1%.

In America: “The economy grew at an annualised rate of 3 per cent between January and March, according to the US Department of Commerce in its second estimates for the period.”

Remember when more Americans were buying home than losing their homes?

Lost your home? Buy a tent!


Remember when America produced rather than imported its brainpower?
“In Philadelphia, the country's sixth largest school district, about one of every three students fails to graduate -- about the national average. CBS News correspondent Bill Whitaker reports that of the 4 million students who enter high school every year, one million of them will drop out before graduation. That's 7,000 every school day -- one dropout every 26 seconds.”

Welcome to Beavis and Butt-head America.!v=HoYNM75QCEU&feature=related


Remember when the girl next door wasn’t a fat, tattooed slut?

American Girl Yesterday

American Girl Today:!v=zCIwlj3Muyc&feature=related

Remember when Christmas wasn’t all about shopping and mocking?



Remember when Hollywood wasn’t a Jewish run toilet that flushes filth into America?

Today’s Flush:

Yesterday before Hollywood got filthy:!v=TZVGcaA66oE&feature=related


Remember when American communities weren’t barrios covered with gang graffiti?

The way it was (is in some few small American towns):

The new Hispanic America:!v=MDUIxJJbP00&feature=related

Remember when Americans didn’t have to know Spanish or Vietnamese to talk to their neighbors?

Obama telling Americans, learn Spanish; it’s the future language of America:

Did you notice the sign behind Hussein Obama: CHANGE WE CAN BELIVE IN? WE refers to the aliens now occupying America. CHANGE refers to the new America: Amerxinamraelistan.

Remember when America wasn’t a bi-lingual nation?

And when English wasn’t considered the other second language, and Spanish wasn’t needed to get a job? I went to the supermarket recently and standing in the checkout about five people. The cashier was Hispanic, because half the clientele are Spanish speaking only (the other half is a mix of Asians, Middle-Eastern types, Africans, and the lowly American). The guy sacking groceries was Hispanic. The woman behind me was Hispanic. The woman in front of me was Hispanic and had an anchor baby with her. The woman checking out was Hispanic. She used FOOD STAMPS. The woman in front of me used FOOD STAMPS. There was an old woman and old man who were Gringos, probably wondering what happened to America. Once outside I saw the woman who had been in front of me (who HAD used FOOD STAMPS) loading her groceries into an Audi. It wasn’t brand new but it was a lot more expensive than the car I drive. And I've never used FOOD STAMPS.

By the way, a week later I went to the same store and it was pretty much the same situation, like visiting an alien bazaar, except the cashier was a Hispanic woman (only the gender changed) but the woman checking out was Vietnamese. They had to use sign language. So now I'm thinking the store is looking to hire a Vietnamese speaking cashier. And any post office I go into I find that behind the counter Americans are a minority. There is always a Hispanic and Asian. If there is an American he or she is usually black, which is fine with me. And the postmen who deliver my mail are always Hispanic or Asian. I don’t think the U.S. Postal Service any longer hires white Americans—unless they have lost their limbs in Iraq. Why? Affirmative Action and you got to hire people who speaka da languages used in the multiculturalized community.

Remember when Americans had more rights than illegal aliens?

For example, the U.S. Government has taken the side of the illegal aliens in Arizona against the side of the Americans who are simply trying to enforce U.S. law and prevent their communities from being overrun by aliens and thus destroyed (i.e, ceasing to be American communities).

Let’s take a look at what’s happening in Arizona:

Remember when the U.S. president was all American

That doesn’t look very American to me. Now Obama’s mother was American but apparently she hated American men.

“She fell in love—twice—with fellow students from distant countries she knew nothing about. Both marriages failed, and she leaned on her parents and friends to help raise her two children.”

Deconstruct: she fell in love with African alien Barack Obama Sr. who was already married but being Muslim could have all the wives he wanted. And then got involved with an Asian Muslim Lolo Soetoro.

Hardly an American family to me. She got knocked up and dumped and qualifies as an American in name only.

Read more:,8599,1729524,00.html#ixzz0pSoWnQ4X


Remember when Zionist Jews didn’t direct U.S. foreign policy?

Remember when Marxist Jews didn’t direct U.S. domestic policy?

Remember when Hollywood wasn’t a Jewish run city of iniquity?


Remember when being decadent, STD-ridden, unnatural, perverted, deviant gay lifestyle wasn’t something to be celebrated as being really cool and even heroic and prejudice against homos hadn’t been equated with slavery and Hitler’s persecution of the Jews?


Remember when the Catholic Church at least pretended to be on the side of America and Catholic priests prayed for the little children rather than fondle them?

Remember when ministers were American patriots rather than American traitors?,9171,1645169,00.html

These people may be Christians, but they are American traitors—aiding and abetting the enemy.


Remember when American politicians served Americans?

No more. Remember Reagan giving amnesty to millions of illegals. Remember when Carter allowed Castro to empty all the Cuban prisons and insane asylums into America? Bill Clinton served the aliens and Zionist Jews. George Bush allowed America to be raped by Wall Street Jews and other corporate pigs and courted the Hispanic Nation:

And remember Lyndon B. Johnson? Who side was he on here:

Remember when voting made a difference?

Take the last presidential election. What difference for America was there between illegal-alien-loving John McCain and illegal-alien-loving half-alien Barack Obama? None. Even when it comes to war, Obama has proven himself as much a war-monger as McCain.

For the most part politicians are most concern about themselves (money, prestige, and their job), so they play it safe to maximize votes and cater to powerful interest groups for financial support. In the first case, they please everyone. Take the illegal alien issue. Now that there is a HISPANIC NATION in our midst all the politicians are for the illegals and their anchor babies. Before the establishment of the HISPANIC NATION, the politicians catered to the businesses using cheap illegal labor, which allowed for the eventual establishment of the HISPANIC NATION in the U.S. American workers didn’t matter. America didn’t matter.

The same is true for the Jewish invasion during the twentieth century. Being very smart and lacking the great numbers of other immigrants, the Jews have taken control of the political, financial, cultural, and communication centers of America. They are not American. They played no role in the building of America. Wikipedia says that in 1840 there were only 15,000 Jews in the U.S. In 1776 there were 2,000. Now they virtually control the country.

As a result of the federal government’s anti-American policies, the United States of America has been infiltrated by a hundred alien groups whose civilian armies have invaded America from all over the world: Hispanics (from the south: Mexico, Central America and South America (where over a half billion Hispanics are looking northward), Cubans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Haitians, Africans, Chinese, Koreans, Vietnamese, Russians, Iraqis, Palestinians, and on and on and on.

Millions of aliens invaders who have no connection with American culture and history (or Western Civilization, for that matter). They are here to escape from the national hellholes their own people created and for the money, welfare, jobs, education--everything Americans built. They are loyal only to themselves, to their own ethnicity and homeland. Just like the Jews in the U.S. are all about Israel. America is only a place to set up shop and do business and to be used to serve Israeli interests. America is only a puppet for Zionists.

Take the Mexicans as an example:!v=ajkAP_M4ZAM&feature=related

If you have been following the Arizona controversy, you will notice that what it is all about is enforcing laws that are already in place. For example, illegal aliens are here ILLEGALLY. What is interesting is that the Mexicans flee Mexico—a lawless land—to come to a land of law and order created by Americans, not Hispanics. Getting here they break the law. Once here they break all kinds of laws. They are a lawless people. A brief reminder:!v=VkjA512NTjM&feature=related

Hispanic gangs are in the business of breaking the law, and like the drug cartels they are idolized by their people. Why? Because they are an outlaw culture. And the above video shows how they romanticize their outlaw culture. It’s actually a very cool video because it shows just what Americans are up against. The reality is Hispanics create outlaw communities that are also anti-gringo. They are the Pancho Villa people who hate America—just as most other alien groups do. And these anti-American outlaws have very powerful allies, such as the government, the past presidents of the United States, the Catholic Church, many Protestant churches, the business community, dozens of leftist organizations, etc. Let's not forget what Obama said about Arizona's attempt to enforce the law--of the state and the nation:
that it was MISGUIDED. He's not one of us. He's one of them!

Prognosis: America’s fate is that of the Alamo, except no one is coming to the rescue. Actually, religious, political, and business leaders and organizations have joined with the attackers. America will be history by the end of the century. Its new name: Amerxinamraelistan. An ugly name for an increasingly ugly nation.

Remember when America was still America?