Monday, May 10, 2010

White House says Pakistani Taliban behind Times Square plot

Big fucking plot. So what if a car blows up in Times Square. Big fucking deal! A lot worse is millions of Americans having lost their jobs and homes and the suffering that has caused their families--all because of those fucking creeps on Wall Street. (Had Faisal Shitzad put the bomb on Wall Street he'd been a fucking hero to millions of Americans who hate the lying, thieving Wall Street usurers who have wrecked not only this country but others as well.)

“Earlier in the day, Attorney General Eric Holder told ABC's This Week that the United States ‘developed evidence that shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the attack.’"

BIG FUCKING DEAL. I’ll tell you what. America has WAR ONE THE FUCKING BRAIN. It can't think about nothing else. It’s as if America thinks of itself as a BIG FUCKING GREEN ZONE. And how about Mr. Hillary Clinton? Did you see her with Barack George Bush Obama?

I’ve heard that Barack goes around in the White House carrying a spear like when he was just a young man:

And apparently Mr. Hilary is not what she seems to be. Here is I COME AS YOUR FRIEND Hilary:

But this is what is beneath the I LOVE MUSLIMS OUTFIT:

That's right Mrs. Terminator. The message is clear to those macho Muslims:
"Don't think you can pull a Billy-Boy on me. I gave that sucker a heart attack and you mess with me you know America has killer drones that make house calls. Ain't dat right, Mr. President. And don't you Paki motherfuckers forget that America has nuke twice before and we certainly can nuke your fuckin asses and wah anybody goin to do about? We crushed those fucking Iraqis and nobody said shit. And da entire world knows yous got WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. Tink about it, you Paki niggers... Sorry, boss. I got carried away. Anyway you Paki motherfuckers need to remember tat if we can pulverize a nation with conventional WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION for not havin WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, den certainly as Gawd is holy [aside to da prez: dey love tat god talk, boss], we'll certainly do a nuke number on you mothers. So you just keep on killin your people as we want you to and stop whining about our lovely killer drones blowin up your villages. You either play along with us or else we'll take you out of the game altogether--like send you back to BC times, which is just about where you are anyway... Hahahaha. Just kidding. Let's get back to DC, Chief. And for gods sake get that lion's tooth out of your nose."

And Hilary the Terminator wasn't kidding about making those killer drone house calls:

25 killed in U.S. drone attack in Pakistan
reads the headline.
Peshawar: Twenty-five people, including 21 militants, were killed in Pakistan's northwest where a U.S. drone targeted insurgent hideouts and the military stepped up ground attacks on militants in the region today.

Ten people, including six militants, were killed and several others injured in a U.S. drone strike in the restive North Waziristan tribal region in northwest Pakistan.

Unmanned spy planes fired at least two missiles at a suspected militant hideout in Inzarkas village, located 50 km west of Miran Shah, the main town in North Waziristan Agency.

Don't you ever wonder what is really meant by MILITANTS? How do they know? Are MILITANTS shooting at the drones or just carrying weapons? Or are they just guys that look like Jesus, you know with beards and wearing sandals? And what about INSURGENT HIDEOUTS? I think that anyone killed by an American drone is an insurgent because he or she was killed by an American drone. And any place blown up by an American drone is by definition an INSURGENT HIDEOUT. That way American drones by definition kill only the bad guys and blow up only their hangouts. It's a very convenient way of talking, isn't it.

Getting back to Americans' being in a state of war, that's just not true. There is no FUCKING WAR for Americans. It’s the Afghans and the Iraqis who have been chewed up by the AMERICAN WAR MACHINE. The so-called enemies of America don’t even have a fucking military. Everyday those people can expect to be attacked by advanced military weapon systems. What do Americans really have to fear? A fucking car bomb set off by some fucking pissed-off alien that we let into the country in the first place. I mean where are the invading armies? Where is the attacking air force? Where is the enemy's navy shelling our coast with cruise missiles? Where are the enemy's commandos dropping out helicopters in the night to attack our communities? (Might ask the Hutaree Christian militia group.)

Let's take all the fucking terrorists who have attack America back to 9-11. How many of these guys have there been? 30, 40, a hundred? How many attacks? 5, 10, 30... Whatever. None of that constitutes a war against us. No, the WAR ON TERROR is a one-way war: America's war machine against the equivalent of our own gang-bangers, who by the way do a lot more harm to this country than the Islamic terrorists. Wiki Answers says there are about 45 murders in the U.S. each day. (And they're not committed by rag-head terrorists.) I think the number is a little conservative because I thought there were that many murders in Compton, CA, each day. Anyway that would mean 16,425 murders in the U.S. each year. You can just imagine the number of wounded who survived. In Barrio San Diego you read about one or two or three attacks with weapons occurring each day. Remember the Time magazine article of July 17, 1989, titled DEATH BY GUN: AMERICA'S TOLL IN ONE TYPICAL WEEK: 464. The magazine had photos of those killed that week. That would add up to about 24,128 Americans killed by guns in a year. Many of those would be suicides who just say FUCK IT, I CAN'T THIS SHIT ANYMORE.

Whatever. My point is that by far most the killing going on in this country (and most of the other forms of misery) is not and has not been caused by terrorists. They are by and large a bunch of radicals who are willing to die because they are sick and tired of America (with the help of European nations such as Great [yeah right!] Britain interfering their countries, cultures, economies, and lives. I don't get that Americans don't understand that when Americans hate their government just as much as those people do. Why do Americans think their government consists of a bunch of corrupt, self-serving motherfuckers here, but are the good guys over there?

You know I don’t blame Faisal Shitzad for wanting to kill a few Americans given how many CIVILIANS and FREEDOM FIGHTERS we have killed since September 11 attacks in 2001?

ANOTHER QUESTION: How many American civilians in America have the Muslim terrorists actually killed since that time?

NONE that I know of. But how many people have America killed?

You are a fucking disgrace America!

And you are such a fucking nation of scaredy cats. Check this out:

America has become like Conan the Scaredy Cat—afraid of a boogie man created in the American mind by the U.S. (Zionist controlled) Government and the U.S. ARMS INDUSTRY. It is truly a fucking joke. Americans are a fucking joke. Let’s take a look at our BRAVE MILITARY IN ACTION:

For America the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are nothing more than a video game. Fucking disgusting! Actually, America, you deserve all that bad shit that has happened to you lately. And you know what—the fucking Iraqis and Afghans are going to send you home defeated and disgraced. And you will lose your war with Mexico and Central and South America. Chief Obama, Mr. Hilary, Twinkle Toes Pelosi have already drawn up the surrender to the Hispanic Nation and its armies of illegal aliens. The Hindus call it bad fucking Karma.

:-)))) Hahahahah