Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kudos to Osama bin Laden

He did it! He brought America to her knees, and he did so with a small posse of box-cutter wielding fanatics. He got much more than he had hoped for, though to his credit what he got he pretty much planned for. How is it possible that a single man and his small crew could bring to her knees the most powerful nation on earth? You notice that I did not say the greatest nation on earth because we are not. And it very well may be that there are no longer any great nations.

Back to the question: How could this brilliant Islamic Cochise pull it off? The answer is because he knew that America was rotten from within and that if he could just give the big tree a little shove it would fall. For one thing, the America of yesteryear is no more. The great generations of Americans have passed away. After World War II America became as much an ideological global bully as Hitler and Stalin. True, America wore a Disney-Hollywood happy face so that at first it wasn’t easy to see that America had big plans for the rest of the world, plans that would benefit America most of all by transforming the nations of the world into genuflecting groupies—like Japan and South Korea. “Be prosperous, be happy, but do not question imperial America, the great protector and bearer of gifts.” But America the beast began to reveal itself during the Vietnam War, which killed 2 million Vietnamese, the equivalent of about 7 million Americans.

America had morphed into an imperialistic 20th century version of Rome, but only for a few years (the forties and fifties?) of magnificent rule. And now America is in her decline and fall, an obese woman driving a bloated SUV of a nation. In other words, by September 11, 2001, America had reached a point in her bloated decadence and arrogance that only a little shove would topple her into flailing madness.

What happened to that beautiful woman who led the world to victory during the last great war? First of all, the nation had become as mentally deranged by its own brand of ideology as those nations who had allowed communism and fascism to drive them to madness. Later, America would undergo a great (only in the BIG sense of great) religious awakening and would become as religiously fanatical as the Islamic hordes. (I suppose we could call them “terrorists,” but the term really isn’t very useful. One could very well argue that Americans engaged in terrorism when they (as colonists) broke away from England, when they stole the lives of Africans in order to make them slaves, and when they slaughtered the Native Americans and stole their homelands. And one could even argue that America had engaged into a form of environmental terror as it destroyed the magnificent animal and plant populations that once called (figuratively) American home. And certainly, America brought terror to Iraq, replacing the terror of Saddam Hussein with that of the “shock and awe” neocons, who wanted to transfer Hussein’s control of the nation to themselves. Why? Jews, oil, and the American ideology of Democratic-Christian-Capitalism.)

The problem with ideologies, religious or secular, is that they limit one’s ability to think and justify all kinds of heinous acts. So bin Laden knew that once the buildings came crashing down on 9-11, America would not see the attacks as merely the acts of a handful of disgruntled fanatics but as the throwing down of the gauntlet by Osama bin Laden on behalf of Nation by Islam against democratic-Christian-capitalistic America. Bin Laden himself probably saw the situation in these terms. He is an Islamic ideologue, no less that the great Ayatollah Khomeini. But let’s be clear about one important difference. America, and Great Britain and France before, had intruded (by invasion) into the affairs of the Islamic world. Islam did not come to America (not until recently, when the U.S. Government thought it was okay to allow the Islamic hordes (along with many other alien hordes) to immigrant into America—just another example of America shooting itself in the foot—now more likely the head). Thus, bin Laden knew that hubristic America would not be satisfied with punishing the Taliban and Al-Qaida, but would become bogged down in nation building in the waterless swamp of Afghanistan, just as the British and the Soviets had. Thus Afghanistan became sponge for American blood and money, and it continues to soak up both.

Of course, bin Laden also knew that he would receive invaluable help from the White House, which was now occupied by President Peter Principle himself, George W. Bush. He knew that this man (like most Americans) knows something about baseball and the Bible but nothing about diplomacy, international politics, history, or much about anything else really. In other words, he knew George W. Bush was and is a stupid man who would rush to both judgment and action and (bin Laden hoped) bring down America like a house of cards.

Certainly, there were other ways of understanding 9-11 than its being the beginning of that great war of Good versus Evil here on earth, Armageddon, the armies of Christ led by our own commander in chief. But like most Americans Bush distrusted intellectuals and college professors, in his case because they reveal just how stupid he really is (like Robert Lewis Stevenson's Mr. Hyde). Americans want to believe that ordinary people, such as George Bush, Sen. John McCain, and Sarah Palin, possess a wisdom that far exceeds that of any Ph.D. One reason for this dislike and distrust of intellectuals is democracy itself, which implies that the norm, the average, the ordinary possesses the wisdom to run nations. That’s one reason brilliant thinkers, such as Plato and Aristotle, were suspicious and fearful of democracy, which proved disastrous for the ancient Greeks. (See Anti-intellectualism in American Life by Richard Hofstader, though if you’re an average American it’s highly unlikely that you will read this or any other book, especially during the football season).

The other cause of America’s anti-intellectualism is evangelical Christianity, which espouses the idea that all you ever need to know can be found in one book, the Bible. Bush is an example of this kind of thinking and look at what he has done to the country. And why is it that Bush appears to be more like Job than Moses? (If you haven’t read the Book of Job, then you really are the average, uneducated American Yahoo.) I suppose Bush will get his reward in Heaven, but what about the rest of us living in the here and now? Plainly speaking, why is it that God has done nothing for Americans ever since über Christian George Bush got elected by the faithful? There is a logic lesson to be learned here, but of course that would be to allow thinking to get in the way of faith.

Interestingly the belief that Mr. and Mrs. Average make the best leaders only exists in the politically realm, and let’s face it, once elected most politicians think the people who put them in office are stupid, and are usually proven right. George W. Bush did get re-elected even after getting America bogged down in an immoral, unnecessary and imprudent war that has transformed Iraq into some like a survival horror video game. Why is it these people take Bush at his word when he says he is against raising taxes? How do they think he pays for his wars? Where do they think his 700 billion dollar bailout for the wealthy on Wall Street is, other than a giant tax bill? He’s against taxes but keeps spending huge sums of taxpayers’ (or future taxpayers’) dollars. Are Americans that stupid? Apparently so. And now Grandfather Bush, Sen. McCain, is running for office and has a good chance of winning if he can just hold on until the election.

Once out of the political realm, scholarly knowledge is valued. No corporation seeks to fill its ranks with ordinary, average people. Corporations want well-educated individuals, such as people with college degrees in law, engineering, physics, mathematics, etc.., which corporations now must import from Asia because Americans either no longer have the brains or the work ethic to become educated in difficult fields of study (check out Sarah Palin below). Bible study and church attendance are irrelevant to the requirements of business, science, law, medicine, and a host of other academic disciplines. In fact, when most Americans need a doctor, they don’t want a faith healer (well, maybe in places like Utah and Arkansas); they want an M.D.—i.e., a scientist who is in the business of healing people, not Sarah Palin and certainly not some guy in a white coat who recommends to the patient Bible study instead of chemotherapy or surgery for that lesion on his or her neck.

(I know Sarah Palin has a college degree, but her degree is a Bachelor of Science in Communications and Journalism. I don’t see how “Science” fits in here, but it is pretty clear that she leaned all about communicating (and she is good at it) but nothing specific that she can communicate about, except life in Alaska’s version of Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. In other words, she can talk really well about very little, which does place her one step above the tongue-tied George W. Bush. Of course, what Americans like most about "Sarah Barracuda" is that she is a Christian soccer mom who played basketball in high school, won the Miss Wasilla Pageant beauty contest and finished third (second runner-up) in the Miss Alaska pageant (certainly a big plus with McCain if you know anything about his lovely wives), and was deigned “Miss Congeniality.” (See Wikipedia for more Sarah Palin trivia.) Once again we see Americans’ preference for the ordinary, average Jo Six-Pack. But it is a scary thought that she will probably be running the country once Sen. McStroke fades away.)

Osama bin Laden also knew that Israel had become America’s pimp, that America would prostitute itself in a variety of ways for the State of Israel. And like prostitutes America would destroy its reputation and get itself into all kinds of harmful situations. In other words, bin Laden performed a little Jewjitsu on America, using America’s purblind, fanatical support of Israel as a weapon against America itself. Imagine George W. Bush in the ring with Osama bin Laden battling it out, except Bush has this Iago-like Israeli behind him constantly stabbing him in the back with a short bladed knife. Now you got the picture.

Had the State of Israel not been illegally and immorally established upon the homes, fields, villages and towns of Palestine, America would probably just be doing business as usual with the countries in the region (that is, with the ones that have oil). Let’s face it, no other country in the world would have allowed half their nation occupied by Jews coming from Europe and Russia. And the Palestinians had no say in this event, no more than the Native Americans had any say in the European invasion. All that was required was the authorization of the kings of Europe, and that is pretty much what happened to the Palestinians.

But the evangelicals enabled the neoconservatives, Frankensteinian monsters created by mad Zionists living in America (mostly in New York City, which is more an alien city run by Jews than an American one), to take control of U.S. Government, and America became Israel’s whore. One example is Irving Kristol, the founder of neoconservatism, “an American Jew from an orthodox Jewish family, and father of William Kristol who became the founder of the neoconservative Project for the New American Century. Irving Kristol had been an active supporter of Trotskyism, but wrote of his neoconservative views in the 1979 article "Confessions of a True, Self-Confessed 'Neoconservative'" (“Neoconservatism,” Wikipedia).

Irving Kristol is quoted as saying, “Senator McGovern is very sincere when he says that he will try to cut the military budget by 30%. And this is to drive a knife in the heart of Israel... Jews don't like big military budgets. But it is now an interest of the Jews to have a large and powerful military establishment in the United States... American Jews who care about the survival of the state of Israel have to say, no, we don't want to cut the military budget, it is important to keep that military budget big, so that we can defend Israel” (“Irving Kristol,” Wikipedia).

To quote, “Irving Kristol founded the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) in 1943. This is the main, neocon, ‘think tank’ in the U.S. His son, William Kristol, is chairman of another neocon ‘think tank,’ the Project for a New [Un]American Century, founded in 1997. These ‘think tanks’ are not full of scholars but ideologues. Their board of directors, officers, and academic advisors are loaded with enough Jewish Zionists to sink the Exodus. They work closely with Israel's Likud Party. And George W. Bush hired dozens of them to run his administration.” (The brackets are mine. I just couldn't help myself.)

George W. Bush awarded Kristol the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Richard Perle is another example of the insidious influence of Jews in American politics. Perle supported the 2003 invasion of Iraq. Wikipedia tells us that “Perle has on occasion been accused of being an Israeli agent of influence. It has been reported that, while he was working for Jackson, ‘An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy,’ writes Paul Findley [in They Dare To Speak Out]. ‘He came under fire in 1983 when newspapers reported he received substantial payments to represent the interests of an Israeli weapons company.’”

And let’s not forget the Sen. Joseph Isadore Lieberman, shadow senator for Israel, McCain’s best friend, and kissing buddy with George W Bush (Google “You Tube, Joe Lieberman Kissed by Bush”). Lieberman is an Orthodox Zionist Jew and a war-mongering neocon, meaning that he is committed first to Israel and to America not at all. Like his good Jewish neocon fiends, William Kristol, Richard Perle, and Eliot Cohen, America is nothing but an instrument for Zionist dominance of a Jew-hating world. And they believe that can pull this off, and apparently they can, because they believe, like Osama bin Laden, Americans are basically a stupid, gullible, manipulable people (like the voters of Connecticut).

Lieberman sponsored S.J. Res.46, the Senate version of H.J. Res. 114, that is, the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002, also called the Iraq Resolution. In 2002, Lieberman sponsored a pro-Israel U.S. Senate Resolution (S. Res. 247) regarding the Middle East Conflict, "expressing solidarity with Israel in its constant efforts to fight against terror." (Google “Joe Lieberman,” Wikipedia for more facts.)

Interestingly Sen. Strangelove Lieberman is one of the Senate's leading opponents of violence in video games and on television. That’s because killer Joe like the real thing. “In April 2006, Lieberman became the first prominent Democrat to announce his support for preemptive attacks against Iran to stop it from developing nuclear weapons” (“Joe Lieberman,” Right Web).

“On the CBS program, Face the Nation, Lieberman said, ‘I think we've got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq. And to me, that would include a strike into... over the border into Iran, where we have good evidence that they have a base at which they are training these people coming back into Iraq to kill our soldiers.’ He went on to say, ‘I think you could probably do a lot of it from the air’” (“Lieberman: now a neo-conservative in full,” California Chronicle).

Let’s straighten out this picture. Sure the Iranians are aiding the Iraqi fighters seeking to liberate Iraq and Islam from the American invaders, but the American invaders are in Iraq in service to protecting Israel. Iraq has never been or could be a threat to America, but it is and always will be an enemy of Israel. So the real killers of American soldiers are Israel and its shadow forces in America (politicians such as Lieberman and un-American Zionist groups such as The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), “an American lobbying group that advocates for pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States. It has been consistently ranked among the most powerful and most influential lobbies in Washington” (“AIPAC,” Wikipedia).

So like other Zionists neocons engaged in Un-American activities, Lieberman doesn’t mind squandering American blood and money for the cause of Israel. Why should he when Americans are only a means to a Zionist end? So when you see on You Tube Bush kissing Lieberman, what you are really seeing is American French kissing Israel’s ass. Yuck!

And by the way, like McCain he wants citizenship for all illegal aliens because as Jew he doesn’t give a damn about America and seeks to transform America into an Un-American multicultural society. Ergo, Sen. Lieberman is nothing more than another Jewish nail in the American coffin.

The result of America’s alliance with Israel is that thousands of American soldiers and trillions of American taxpayer dollars have been sacrificed on the behalf of Israel and the Jews living in the U.S., whose first loyalty is to Israel, their stolen homeland. American soldiers like to believe they are dying and being maimed to defend America. That may be true in their hearts, but the reality is they are dying to defend Israel and to make a bunch of rich war profiteers even richer.

In an article title “Whose War?: A Neoconservative Clique Seeks To Ensnare Our Country in a Series of Wars That Are Not in America’s Interest,” Patrick J. Buchanan says, “The radical Zionist right to which Perle and Feith belong is small in number but it has become a significant force in Republican policy-making circles. It is a recent phenomenon, dating back to the late 1970s and 1980s, when many formerly Democratic Jewish intellectuals joined the broad Reagan coalition. While many of these hawks speak in public about global crusades for democracy, the chief concern of many such “neo-conservatives” is the power and reputation of Israel.”

Of course, this is only the tip of the Zionist iceberg that is about to sink the U.S.S. America. Just consider the Jews who have been in control of America’s finances. Consider Alan Greenspan (like Lieberman, a Jewish Dorian Gray whose hideous appearance reflects his evil machinations), who comes from a Hungarian Jewish family. He served five terms as the Chairman of the Federal Reserve overseeing the U.S. economy and another Jewish recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom, from George W. Bush, of course.

About Mr. Greenspan, Joseph Stiglitz, winner of the Nobel Prize for economics, stated that Greenspan "didn't really believe in regulation; when the excesses of the financial system were noted, [he and others] called for self-regulation -- an oxymoron" (“Alan Greenspan,” Wikipedia). And according to the New York Times, Greenspan said he himself is blameless for the recent economic crisis. That means he is either a liar or as stupid as he looks.

And then there is Maurice R. Greenberg, former head and CEO of AIG, which the Fed just bailed out for 85 billion dollars. Wikipedia tells us that “By the mid-2000s AIG had become embroiled in a series of fraud investigations conducted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, U.S. Justice Department, and New York State Attorney General's Office. Greenberg was ousted amid an accounting scandal in February 2005. The New York Attorney General's investigation led to a $1.6 billion fine for AIG and criminal charges for some of its executives.

And then there is Bear Sterns, a huge investment bank that recently collapsed under the weight of its greedy financial practices. The company was bought by J.P. Morgan, probably with some guarantees from the U.S. Federal Reserve, i.e., the American taxpayer. Bear Stearns was founded as an equity trading house in 1923 by the Jewish trio Joseph Bear, Robert Stearns, and Harold Mayer.

And by the way, who is in charge of U.S. Federal Reserve? Another Jew, Ben Shalom Bernanke.

The United States Secretary of the Treasury is Henry Paulson, a nonJew (Christian Scientist—which is like being a Scientologist). I guess the Bush Administration thought you need to have a few nonJewish faces among the financial robber barons running the country so the American public doesn’t get suspicious, kinda like having a few white guys on the bench in professional basketball. However, Paulson is not as clean (or as free from the influence of usurious Jews) as he appears to be. He worked for Goldman Sachs, and Wikipedia tells us that “His compensation package, according to reports, was $37 million in 2005, and $16.4 million projected for 2006. His net worth has been estimated at over US$700 million.” He is hardly one of us. And who do you think he cares most about, ordinary Americans struggling to survive or the FAT CATS who made Mr. Paulson a multi-millionaire?

The usurious financial institution Goldman Sachs was founded in 1869 by German Jewish immigrant Marcus Goldman. The company made huge profits from sleazy mortgages and the growing real estate bubble, but was threatened with collapse when the bubble popped. Of course, the ones who made big money (like Paulson) were able to keep it, unlike the people who have been losing their homes. In this case, the fat cats will get bailed out and will be able to keep their private jets and mansions. Goldman's son-in-law Samuel Sachs, yet another Jew, joined the firm which prompted the name change to Goldman Sachs. You can see why Jews don’t want their children to marry nonJews. It’s to keep the money in the family, except that used to pay off the American Judases who get rich doing their dirty work then go into politics.

Finally, there is the financial firm of Lehman Brothers, founded by Henry Lehman, a Jewish German-American. Wikipedia tells us, “On September 15, 2008, the firm filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection; the filing marks the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history.”

So the genius of Osama bin Laden was his understanding that America’s greatest enemy was America herself, in part for having allowed Christian evangelicals and Jewish Zionists and financiers to highjack America’s political and financial institutions. Bin Laden couldn’t have done it without their help and hubris. He understood that Jews love Israel and use America and that the Christian evangelicals believe in God first and country last. And then there are war profiteers who love money more than life itself (other people’s lives).

Still it took more than just these Judases to cripple America because they could not have done what they did without the democratic okay from Americans themselves, who no longer have their eye on American ball because they are too busy regarding sports and television programs like Sex and the City and Desperate Housewives. And that reminds me, isn’t Hollywood a propaganda mill for Jewish producers and directors. Desperate Housewives is owned by ABC, a Walt Disney corporation, and we all know that Walt Disney has been taken over by Jews, Michael Eisner (between 1984-2004) and Robert Iger (2005 –present). How was it possible that the Jews were able to highjack this American institution when Walt Disney didn’t seem to care for Jews? Greed. Some Christian Americans—who pay attention to what’s going on—now hate Disney because it caters to homosexuals, but that happened, along with Disney becoming a propaganda mill for the leftist-gay-Jewish agenda, under the watch of Michael Eisner. But Americans went along with this just as they did with everything else because they were too busy stuffing themselves with all the goodies the consumer industries offer. In other words, Osama bin Laden knew he had an ally in the ignorance, complacency and decadence of the American people.

So, let’s give bin Laden credit for bringing the “greatest” nation on earth to its arthritic knees—and it will take decades for America to recover if it ever does. What Americans don’t understand is that a powerful military cannot protect a nation from its own corruption. Yet, bin Laden knew this. And he understood that with the imbecile George W. Bush at the helm the time was right to strike. I have no doubt that bin Laden will go down in history as one of the greatest warriors of all time, the Islamic David who slew the American Goliath.

And who knows what other catastrophes await America. If McCain and Palin get elected, then perhaps McCain will get his war with Iran and Palin will get her war with Russia, to punish the Russians just as Bush has punished Iraq (for what? I forget). If so, then bin Laden can continue to sit in his dark cave and smile at the continuing catastrophes he has brought down upon America. And if he should be killed by American forces, then America will have created an Islamic martyr as influential to Islam as Jesus has been to Christianity.