Saturday, September 13, 2008

Short Takes on the News

Headlines: “Impasse Hurts Local Care Providers”
“Medical providers have warned for weeks that the seemingly never-ending budget crisis in Sacramento would cripple places that care for the state’s neediest patients.”

The two patients shown in the article are Hispanic. I think it’s safe to say that this program serves mostly illegal immigrants and their children, in other words, people entered this country illegally to take advantage of the social programs not offered south of the border. Americans should not have to pay for the health care, education, etc. of illegal aliens and their children. But they will because Americans no longer have any say in what their government does. For example, on the immigration disaster Sen. McCain and Sen. Obama are for the illegals and against Americans who are paying for the alien conquest of America.

Headlines: “What To Make of 9/11”
What to make of it? We blew, and now it’s time to get over it and get on with saving the country from those who are wrecking it. Let’s face it, because of the Bush Administration’s handling of the 9/11, what was an awful event evolved into a catastrophic state of affairs for the U.S. Whether or not Osama bin Laden is captured or killed, he won and America lost, but the attacks were only the trigger, which was then pulled by the Bush Administration. Instead of punishing Al Qaeda and the Taliban and then getting the hell out of that hellish part of the world, he declares a global war on terror, starts two unnecessary wars, causes the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people, transformed the U.S. into a despised outlaw nation, bankrupts the country, and causes the death or injury of thousands of American soldiers. Is this what the families of the 9/11 victims wanted? If so, they are mentally and morally sick.

And to the Americans who were not killed or did not have love ones lost in the 9/11 attacks yet imply that they too have suffered, when in fact nothing in their lives changed? I’m sorry but it wasn’t Pear Harbor or the Holocaust. The former brought America into a world war that affected the lives of all Americans. The latter resulted in an entire people losing love ones. Except for the 3000 people killed and their families, 9/11 did not harm the lives other Americans, and for these Americans to parades themselves as victims is disgusting.

The reality of the situation is that Zionists, neoconservatives, and the industrial-military complex want to convince Americans that their country is under constant threat from nefarious terrorists. The truth is, America is no more threatened by terrorists than any other Western country, but it’s good for the defense industries and Israel that Americans believe their country could be suddenly brought down by an elite team of Bin Laden fanatics.

Bin Laden has to feel really good about the harm he has caused the U.S., and he couldn’t have done without Bush’s help. And because of Bush, America has to face the dilemma of failing to capture him and appear defeated by one man or capturing him and transforming him into a messianic figure. We might as well nail him to a cross.

“Palin Links Iraq and 9/11, Faces Tough Questions”
Yeah, such as has she ever had a lobotomy. Apparently she only reads Cosmopolitan, People, and National Enquirer. She said, “America can never go back to that false sense of security that came before September 11, 2001.” Like during the Cold War?! What an idiot.

In addition, she didn’t know what the Bush doctrine is, even though she espouses it. Basically it means that the United States can attack any country it wants by making up the excuse that it was a perceived threat. That’s what Bush did to Iraq. And isn’t it weird that no one in this country gives a damn about the tens of thousands of Iraqis killed by the Bush Doctrine and illegal and immoral war it produced but wring their hands over the death of 3000 Americans on 9/11?

To the question pathetic Palin responded, “His [Bush’s] worldview?” Well, we all know what that is. While God and Jesus fight Satan and his hosts in Heaven, Christians fight the demonic pagans, Moslems, queers and abortionists here on Earth until God communicates to Bush that it is time to end life on Earth as we know it. But since it looks like the monomaniacal Palin will be replacing George Bush, along with the war-on-the-brain Sen. McCain, there is no hurry to push the big red nuclear button. That way when the Rapture occurs Bush can say, “She did it.”

And as you know, Palin is ready to go to war with Russia over Georgia, because as her running mate Sen. McStroke said after Russia invaded Gerogia, “We are all Georgians.” Hey, I’ve got some news for the old zombie: I don’t give a damn about Geogains, except those who live in the state of Georgia. If Russia attacks them, then hell yes we will go to war. Sarah Airhead doesn’t seem to realize that most Americans don’t want to risk the lives of millions of American over 4 ½ million people we don’t even know and whose president is playing America and Europe as fools. President Mikheil Shakashitvili attacked regions in Georgia populated by people who speak Russian and have sought independence from Georgia. Hell if the Mexican army attacked Americans living in Mexico, American gunships would be all over Mexico. Actually, the U.S. Government should be supporting the South Ossetia, but the neocons love to hate Russia, even if Russia is in the right—as it is in objecting to American missiles being placed in Poland. Don’t the American people get, that they are being played by countries like Poland and Georgia, just the way they have been played by Israel?

Did you see during the Democratic Convention the Spielberg tribute to America’s fighting men and women? Well, that was nothing more than Jewish propaganda. Oh how the Jews love America, like that old Jewish spy Morton Sobell who has just admitted spying for the Soviets. The Jews don’t love America. They love themselves. As long as they can fool America into supporting and protecting Israel then they will pretend to be on our side. But Jimmy Carter knows what happens when criticize Israel (see The Man from Plains). Nevertheless, Jewish Hollywood should be paying tribute to our fighting men in Afghanistan and Iraq. They are fighting in Iraq for Israel, not America. Remember, Saddam Hussein didn’t like Israelis because they confiscated and destroyed the homeland of the Palestinian people. And 9/11 wouldn’t have happened if the U.S. had not been Israel’s pit-bull and had not a military presence in Saudi Arabia.

This does bring up the issue of whether or not America now believes it’s above morality. Apparently it does, the best example being the invasion of Iraq and the slaughter and destruction America has caused there. Recently I went to the movies and saw an advertisement for the National Guard in the form of a rock video (how far we have fallen) starring a singing loud mouth called Kid Rock. The video, called “Warrior” is a sickening piece of enlistment propaganda. at one point Rock sings, “So don’t tell me who’s wrong and right / When liberty starts slipping away /And if you ain’t gonna fight /Get out of the way.” In other words, moral considerations are out of line. And whose liberty are we fighting for in Iraq? And did the Iraqis freely choose to be invaded by America? Or is it just that America has the freedom to do anything it damn well pleases? And what kind of freedom are we talking about? Freedom from bombs, bullets, death and destruction? The freedom to occupy a country, in the way Israel occupies Palestine or America Iraq? The fact is, without limits freedom becomes immoral, unlawful, and chaotic—the freedom that George Bush has been engaging in for the past eight years.

But like Sarah Palin, Kid Rock is a singer, not a thinker. Without blinking an eye he goes with what he feels. You may recall Sairhead Palin's saying "you can't blink," which means "you don't think." Of course, Plato thought allowing one’s emotions, rather than the intellect, to determine one’s actions meant a loss of freedom, like getting drunk and putting your kid in the microwave, but that is a black trash story (see “China Arnold Sentenced to Life without Parole”) and right now we’re talking about white trash. (It seems America is becoming increasingly trashy, don’t you think?) But who is Plato? Don’t ask Palin or Kid Rock (actually an appropriate name—you know like “immature blockhead”). Palin would probably respond “You talkin’ about Mr. Rodger’s Play-Dough. Yeah me and the kids love it.” At least Rock isn’t running for vice president.

But guess what, I am still going to vote for Gov. Airhead and Sen. McStroke because I am tired of watching America’s slow death by illegal-alien strangulation. (If there is any country we should be at war with it’s Mexico, which has invaded the U.S. with millions of civilian soldiers who are now appropriating American communities.) If Obama becomes president World War III will probably be avoided but America’s slow and painful (to Americans) death by illegal-alien strangulation will continue. If Gov. Airhead and Sen. McStroke get into the White House, then Gov. Airhead will get her war with Russia and Sen. McStroke with get his war with Iran. Four wars, 3 small ones and 1 really big one. A dream come true for CNN. And Sen. Joe the-Wrath-of-Israel Lieberman can ride an H-bomb (remember Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove) down Iran’s throat. What ecstasy! I’m all for it. I had always hope for world peace (silly idea), but since that will never happen now I would like to see the end of the world, or at least watch bombs rain down on the Hispanic city of L.A. I know that sounds selfish, but why should America be handed over to the Hispanic hordes? I would rather shoot my horse than see it ridden by a horse thief.

Headline: “Furious Ike Slams Texas”
“A monster-size Hurricane Ike bore down on the Texas coast early today, threatening to rattle the skyscrapers of America’s fourth-largest city.”

Could it be that in Hurricane Ike we hear the voice of God? It makes one recall the words of Pastor John Hagee, whose endorsement Sen. John McCain said he was “glad to have.” The blessed minister said that Hurricane Katrina was the God’s judgment against the city of New Orleans for its sinfulness and because there was to be a homosexual parade the day the storm arrived. Using the same logic, perhaps Hurricane Ike is God punishing Texas for giving rise to Bible-toting George Bush, who has given God a black eye by his unlawful, immoral, reckless, greedy, and prideful behavior, all pretty much in God’s name. You might also recall that the righteous Hagee was born in Texas and his church is located in San Antonio.

It makes perfectly good sense that God would give Texans a taste of the havoc their President has given the people of Iraq. For example, in the same paper is an article titled “Car bomb Kills 32 [wounded 43] at Dujail Market by Police Station.” Just another illustration of Iraqi killers enjoying the freedom given to them by President Bush, and they obviously are enjoying it to the fullest because they exercise it each and every day with bullets, car bombs, exploding vests, and IEDs. But as Rumsfeld said during the looting that occurred after the American liberation of Iraq, “Stuff happens,” though not to the millionaires who can afford to live out of harm’s way (life Rumsfeld, Cheney, and Bush) as they place millions of lives in the path of injury, death, and destruction.